معلومات قصير موضوع انجليزي بحث تقرير بالانجليزي باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة  وانواعها  اين تعيش ماذا ياكل مدة حياتها اسماء صغارها
تعبير عن الجمل بالانجليزي تعبير كتابي عن وصف حيوان اليف عبارات قصيره للاطفال
information about    paragraph  برزنتيشن  معلومات بسيطه  اسم  نطق كلمة معنى كلمة برجراف حيوان مفترس لاحم عاشب اليف متوحش وحيش الغابة موسوعة عالم الحيوانات برمائي كل شيئ عن تزاوج انواع الانجليزي  الشائعة معنى كلمة بالانجليزي اختصارات
معلومات عن الحيوانات بالانجليزي موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة بالانجليزي دورة حياتها
تغذية الحيوانات والحشرات على ماذا تتغذى كيف تتغذى الموسوعة تتذوق الطعام
فوائد الجنس للصف الرابع للصف السابع الاول الثاني الثالث الخامس السادس الثامن التاسع العاشر     بحث عن النسر بالانجليزي الامريكي ماذا يأكل النسر معلومات عن النسر الذهبي
صفات النسر النسر الاصلع الافريقي النسر الأسمر قوة نظر النسر النسر الملكي نسر الملك 

The eagle is a bird of prey
The eagle is a very large bird of prey. Its view is exceptionally piercing, its beak is crooked, its wings long and powerful, its sharp claws take place on very strong feet.

It is a formidable bird, because it is in flight or if it hovers, it spots its prey to better melt on it.
There are more than 50 species of eagles, the best known are the bald eagle and the golden eagle. Both have very large wings, 1.8 meter wingspan.
The Eagle is recognized by its white head and tail, while the Golden Eagle is entirely brown with feathers on its paws to the greenhouses! These two species nest in the trees or in the rocks of the cliffs. The eagle prefers trees while the eagle prefers cliffs.
Their nest is made of twigs, grass and plants. The same nest is used for several years that is why it reaches a large dimension. These two birds lay one to three eggs that are brooded for 35 to 43 days depending on the species. Young people are dependent on adults for a hundred days.

The eagle feeds on rabbits, foxes, or any other animal it finds on the ground. It whirls in the air and when its prey is in sight, it descends directly on it in hovering and captures it with the help of its powerful greenhouses. He will even go as far as eating carrion.

The male is an eagle, the female is called an eagle and the baby is an eaglet.
The life span of the eagle in the wild ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Bald eagles are rapacious birds
The bald eagle, which is actually a bald eagle, is not an eagle, but an "eagle". It is the emblem bird of the United States, and it is part of the order Accipitriformes birds.

The total length of his body is 85 to 110cm, his weight between 3 to 6kg. The wingspan of this bird is 1 to 2 meters. His eyes are yellow and piercing, he can see prey at a distance of 1km.
Bald eagles live in the wetlands of North America, in the mountains, on the shores, at the edge of lakes and rivers.
It is a large rapacious bird with dark plumage, white head and tail. Its curved bill is yellow, strong and powerful. It has hooked and strong greenhouses.
For its food, it feeds almost exclusively on dead or dying fish, but if the food is scarce, it will be content with small birds and mammals.

Bald Eagle (Thanks to Raymond Charbonneau)
It is a scavenging bird and roams near slaughterhouses to feed on the rotting flesh.
During breeding, the birds gather, the couples form, and remain faithful all their life. Only death separates them.

The male and female build the nest on the ground, clinging to a cliff or in height in a tree. The nest is very large, it can reach 4 meters in height and 2.5 meters in width, yet the depth is only about ten centimeters. It can weigh up to a ton.
The nest is repaired every year and reused, so it can last nearly 70 years before collapsing due to its weight.
The bald eagle has only one brood per year. After mating, the female lays one to three eggs and both parents incubate in turn for 35 days.
The pups are born with a light gray down and the parents keep them until they are 4 weeks old when they start eating. However, the babies will not leave the nest until around the tenth week. He reaches sexual maturity at the age of five.
His only predator is the man. Its English name is 'Bald Eagle' and its scientific name is Haliaeetus leucocephalus.
The life of a bald eagle for about 20 years.
The golden eagle is a falconiform bird
The golden eagle is a bird of prey with a dark brown body. He has golden reflections on his head. The male and the female are similar.

He usually lives in the mountains or on the edge of the cliffs. The nest is built by the couple and placed in a tree. It is made with woven branches of leaves and twigs, scrub and the nest is lined with small fine grasses.
After mating, the female normally lays 2 eggs. The eggs will be hatched by this one for most of the time for a little over forty days.
The small eaglets will depend on their parents for about a hundred days, even if after 60 to 70 days they are able to fly.
Eagles feed on marmots, squirrels, hares, reptiles. It is a scavenger par excellence, but it even pushes his effrontery to attack a deer.

The golden eagle is part of the order of the accipitriformes which are birds with very powerful legs. They have talons with claws that allow the bird to grab its prey. The beak of the accipitriforms is short and hooked.
Eagles are excellent hunters and they can detect their prey from a very distant distance, because they have an excellent view. They often plan to inspect their territory. They are often found on cliffs or trees to detect potential prey.

The name of this bird is 'Golden Eagle' and its scientific name is Aquila chrysaetos.

The life span of the Golden Eagle is around 24 years old.

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