معلومات قصير موضوع انجليزي بحث تقرير بالانجليزي باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة  وانواعها  اين تعيش ماذا ياكل مدة حياتها اسماء صغارها
تعبير عن الجمل بالانجليزي تعبير كتابي عن وصف حيوان اليف عبارات قصيره للاطفال
information about    paragraph معنى برزنتيشن  معلومات بسيطه  اسم  نطق كلمة معنى كلمة برجراف حيوان مفترس لاحم عاشب اليف متوحش وحيش الغابة موسوعة عالم الحيوانات برمائي كل شيئ عن تزاوج انواع الانجليزي  الشائعة معنى كلمة بالانجليزي اختصارات
معلومات عن الحيوانات بالانجليزي موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة بالانجليزي دورة حياتها
تغذية الحيوانات والحشرات على ماذا تتغذى كيف تتغذى الموسوعة تتذوق الطعام تصنيف
فوائد الجنس للصف الرابع للصف السابع الاول الثاني الثالث الخامس السادس الثامن التاسع كتابة  ذكر اضرار  معلومات طائر انواع  تربية قصة صفات حديقة الحيوانات
اسماء الطيور بالانجليزي التي تطير

اسماء الحيوانات التي تطير بالانجليزي

Animal and flying insect

A flying animal is naturally an animal that can fly. It is not necessarily a bird because some are mammals like the bat. The wings are flying and are often covered with feathers, but this is not the rule, still the bat does not have feathers and the majority of insects do not.

The wing is what allows some animals to fly. In the case of birds, it is covered with feathers that increase the surface without increasing the weight, the feathers are light. The insects have no feathers, the wings are more solid, thin and light membranes.

Birds have two wings, but insects often have four, like the dragonfly. Birds have articulated wings that bend during beats, insects can not bend them. They are therefore constantly exposed completely as for the bee, or can hide under a protective envelope like the ladybug.

Some animals are not really able to fly but rather hover. The flying fish does not really fly, it propels itself out of the water and the wind and its shape allow it to make great distances while hovering, but it can not remain continuously in the air like a bird. The same thing for the flying squirrel.

Birds use their tail as a rudder and help them to navigate. The insects move by modifying the flapping of their four wings to be able to move. The bat changes and size membranes and forms wings to thereby control its direction, speed.

Some birds have wings but can not fly like an ostrich. In its evolution, the size of the ostrich has eliminated its ability to fly, but its speed has allowed it to survive. The wings of it are also small and she could not even hover.

Birds and flying insects are naturally rather light to fly. Bird bones are hollow to be lighter. Insects often have a smaller body than birds in proportion to their wings. The drone has small wings compared to his body. Birds and flying insects have truly unique species characteristics that allowed them to survive natural selection

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