معلومات عن الافاعي بالانجليزي
معلومات قصير موضوع انجليزي بحث تقرير بالانجليزي باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة  وانواعها  اين تعيش ماذا تاكل مدة حياتها اسماء صغارها
تعبير عن الجمل بالانجليزي تعبير كتابي عن وصف حيوان اليف عبارات قصيره للاطفال
information about  برزنتيشن  معلومات بسيطه
الثعبان أو الأفعى أو الحية هو حيوان زاحف من ذوات الدم البارد
موضوع عن الثعابين بالانجليزي
information about snake
نطق كلمة ثعبان بالانجليزي
اسم الثعبان بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الافعى بالانجليزي
information about snake
نطق كلمة ثعبان بالانجليزي
الحيه بالانجليزي
اسم الثعبان بالانجليزي
معنى كلمة snake
موضوع عن الافعى الصحراوية بالانجليزي

The snake 

The name snake or Ophidians gathers all reptiles devoid of paws. They have an elongated body that is covered with fine scales or add horny plates. Depending on the regions and seasons, there are snakes of all sizes and colors.

The majority of the species are oviparous but some are ovoviviparous, they are found mainly in cold regions.

The snakes have the faculty of disarticulating their jaws; so they can swallow huge prey (we found a leopard in the stomach of a python of about 5 meters). Some species have formidable hooks that are equipped with venom glands, their prey have no chance against such a weapon. The bites associated with the venom, can cause the death of the victim in the minutes that ensues.

They can live in the aquatic environment or on land, but their mode of movement remains the same, they use their entire body "crawling". All snakes have a speed of movement not exceeding 6km / h, however the exceptions exist let's take the mambas which can reach 12 km / h!

All snakes are carnivorous zoophage in nature. Snakes have two very particular hunting techniques; the first is the ambush, which consists in sneaking up on the prey once it has been spotted, then thrashes it hard with its jaw ajar. The second is different, it is practiced by arboreal species "the boa", they hang on a branch placed above the prey and they fall with agility his victim.

Physical characteristic :

All species have an elongated and cylindrical body, some species have significant musculature that allows them to smother their prey for long minutes.

The view of snakes is of very poor quality, a minor defect given that at ground level the mink field is automatically limited by the relief as well as any obstacle. They have the advantage of having a very developed sense of smell thanks to a bifid tongue. They also have the ability to restore their prey in a thermal image indeed they can detect any temperature variations as small as it is. A large number of species have very similar skin to their natural environment, which allows them to blend into the vegetation.

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