The citadel of Saladin

The silhouette of the citadel is dominated by the cupolas and minarets of the mosque
Alabaster of Mohamed Ali, Turkish style, completed in 1857. It offers a panoramic view of Cairo and the city of the dead, cemetery of the Mamluk sultans today inhabited by the homeless. At the foot of the citadel is the Sultan Hassan Mosque, one of the most beautiful 14th century Mamluk period buildings and its "twin" next door, the "El Rifaï" mosque.

The imposing medieval fortress is perched at the eastern end of the city. For seven centuries it was the seat of Egyptian power. It was built by Saladin in 1183 on Mokkatam Hill to defend Crusader Cairo, as well as gigantic
a wall was erected to protect the city, a wall erected in part by stones "stolen" from the Pyramids of Giza.
The fortress then widens to the west under the Ottoman regime (1517-1798). It conceals
today three magnificent mosques and several palaces that have been turned into museums.
It is in the heart of this citadel that the great Mosque of Mohammed Ali (or Mehemet Ali) was built in the 19th century. Built between 1830 and 1848, it was largely inspired by the
Blue Mosque and Istanbul's Saint Sophia Church. Its minarets rise gracefully towards the sky and the immense central dome is impressive. Entirely covered with alabaster slabs, it is also called "Alabaster Mosque".
In the courtyard is the fountain of ablutions, sheltered by a kiosk. In its center, sits the big clock, gift of the King of France Louis Philippe in thanks for the obelisk of the Place de la Concorde in Paris. It is said that it never worked ...
The interior is also huge. A big dark red carpet covers the ground. The walls of white marble striped with yellow, the elaborate vaults, the rosettes of gold are magnificent.
Mohammed Ali, proud of his work, was buried in the marble tomb at
right when entering.
Another mosque, the first erected in the enclosure of the Citadel, a little erased by the size of that of Mohammed Ali, is nearby. An-Nasir Mohammed Ibn Qalawum Mosque was first built in 1318. Then, Sultan An-Nasir Mohammed,
dissatisfied with the result had it rebuilt in 1335. This is the only surviving building from the Mameluke era that ruled Egypt from 1251 to 1382.
From the terrace you will have a splendid view of the city center towers and even the Giza Pyramids in good weather.
In the northern wall of the citadel, the Suleiman Pasha Mosque dating from 1528 will delight lovers of Islamic architecture.
Also in the northern wall, the palace that once housed the harem of Mohammed Ali was transformed into a national military museum. To the east is the Hitch Museum and at the north end is the Police Museum.

The Gawhara Palace-Museum, south of the Mohammed Ali Mosque, tells the life of the 19th century court.

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قلعة صلاح الدين بالانجليزي
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