Kerak Castle - Al-Karak - الكرك

Kerak Castle or Al-Karak, formerly in the land of Jordan, in what is now Jordan, is one of the most important castles. It is the "krak" closest to Jerusalem.

The current castle was built by the Crusaders in the mid-12th century, it is best known for having been the castle of Renaud de Chatillon. It was called the Krak of Moabites, Keral of Moab by the Crusaders and also Petra Deserti (Desert Stone) and Civitas Petracensis name that can be found on the seal of Renaud de Chatillon. Today he is better known as Al-Karak or Kerak.

Karak, Kérek or Kerak from the etymological point of view comes from the Syriac word meaning fortress, castle and refuge, term reused and modified by the Franks in Krak (Cracus and Cracum). A first city or fortification is mentioned in the Bible as Kir-Hareseth or "Hill City" later called Rabba.

The present castle was built on two important periods, the first by the crusaders from 1140 to 1142 with modifications until 1188 and by the Mamluks from 1263 to 1517. Of these two periods one can retain two zones of distinct constructions, the first part of the Crusaders with the north and east facade and a large part of the buildings of the upper court. For the Muslim period, it is mainly the low court on constructions of the crusaders, of which it remains lower parts, and of course the mosque.

Relatively intact until the nineteenth, it was unfortunately ruined in 1840 by Ibrahim Pasha, Egyptian officer and statesman of Egypt, who in his retreat against the Ottoman, British and Austrian armies destroyed some places to prevent their reuse.

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