The Qaytbay Fort is said to have been built on the site of the Alexandria Lighthouse, one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built between 297 and 283 BC during the reign of Ptolemy II on the island of Pharos connected to the mainland by the Heptastade, a dike seven stadia long, about 1344 meters (an ancient stadium measuring 192 meters).

It is with the stones of the ruins of the Lighthouse of Alexandria that the Citadel of Qaytbay was built between 1478 and 1480. Anxious for the protection of Alexandria from the attacks of the Ottomans, the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt Abu El Nasr Seif Eldine Qait -Bay El Mahmoudy El Zahry, better known as Sultan Qaytbay, ordered the construction of the fort on the island of Pharos.

The fortress nowadays
The fortress nowadays
The Citadel surrounded by massive walls by the sea is home to a three-storey square fort with four round defensive towers at the four corners. Inside we will discover what was a mosque and its qibla that indicates the direction of Mecca. The cross-shaped prayer hall is illuminated by a dome illuminating magnificent mosaics on the floor.

Qaytbay Fort has large, vaulted cisterns that store drinking water in case of siege. Outside, inside the citadel were the stables and the houses of the soldiers of the fort on the three sides of the central courtyard.

Occupied until 1984 by the Egyptian army, the Citadel of Qaytbay now houses the Institute and the Hydrobiological Museum (a maritime museum). "

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