The settlement of Zubia village in Ajlun district dates from the Byzantine period. In the part of the village called "the monastery" are the ruins of an old Byzantine church. The village also contains houses and stables dating back several hundred years. In the valley between Zubia and Tubna there is a spring which was the main source of water for the surrounding villages. Today, more than ten villages surround the Ajlun Nature Reserve. Some villagers are still working on growing grapes, figs and olives. Others are employed in the public sector. The region is famous for its olive trees and its by-products.

Ajlun Castle, known as Qal'at Ar-Rabad, is the most important historical monument in the Ajlun region. Dominating green hills, it is visible for several miles around, immediately betraying its strategic role as an observation post protecting commercial routes from the 12th to the 15th century. It was built in 1184 by Izzeddin Usama Mungidh, one of Saladin's generals, to counter the Crusaders' threat to northern Jordan. (The Crusaders had already occupied southern Jordan from their gigantic castles at Shawbak and Kerak and were driven out of Transjordan in 1188/1189). In 1214, the castle was enlarged and took its current configuration.

This castle is one of the best preserved and most complete examples of Arab-Islamic medieval military architecture. It is characterized mainly by a dry moat surrounding it, a drawbridge leading to the front door, a fortified entrance gate (decorated with stone carvings representing pigeons), a massive south tower and other turns on each of its sides. The castle contains a maze of vaulted corridors, spiral staircases, long ramps, huge halls used as dining rooms, dormitories, stables, a total of 11 cisterns, and private quarters. lord of the place (which includes a small stone bath and rectangular windows that can turn into loopholes for archers for defensive purposes).

From the top of the castle, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the Jordan Valley and the mountains of northern Jordan. Excavations have recently highlighted a church built on the site of the castle dating from the beginning of the Byzantine period. Renovations have made it possible to secure the whole area and to open access to tourists.

Archaeological Museum of Ajlun

The archaeological museum of Ajlun was created in 1993 in one of the rooms of Ajlun Castle. The castle, located west of the city, was built in 1184 by Izz al-Din Usama ibn Munqidh, commander and nephew of Saladin.

Archaeological excavations in the Ajlun area are limited. In recent years, in addition to the excavations of Tell Abu Sarbut in the northern Jordan Valley, archaeologists have focused mainly on archaeological study and limited excavations at Wadi al-Yabis and Wadi 'Ajlun-Kufrenjeh.

The elements presented at the Archaeological Museum of Ajlun date from the following periods

The pre-pottery Neolithic A (8300-7300 BC): Various flint tools, including microliths, and others. These finds came from the 1991 excavations at Iraq ad-Dubb to the northeast of Ajlun
The Early Bronze Age (2300 BCE to 1900 BC): pottery vessels found during salvage excavations at various sites in the region.
The Byzantine period: pottery vessels from excavations in the Khirbet Mahrama cemetery.
Islamic periods (Ayyubid and Mamluk): set of pottery vessels, lamps and sugar bowls, copper and bronze tools, and millstones and various Arabic inscriptions discovered in the castle of Ajlun.

the castle of Ajlun was built in 1184 by 'Izz ad-Din Usama bin Munqidh, a Saladin general defeated by the Crusaders in 1187. The fortress overlooks the Jordan Valley to the north and is home to many towers, galleries and stairs to explore

معلومات عن قلعة عجلون بالانجليزي
ajloun castle
معلومات عن عجلون
قلعة عجلون الاثرية
قلعة عجلون من الداخل
معلومات عن قلعة الكرك بالانجليزي
في اي قرن بنيت قلعة عجلون
كتابة عن عجلون بالانجليزي
قلعة جرش
موضوع انجليزي عن الماء للصف الثامن فقرة  برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزية  انشاء موضوع انجليزي عن ابدا قصير كيفية كتابة موضوع     تعبير باللغة الانجليزية توجيهي قواعد كتابة تعبير  بالانجليزي طريقة سهلة لكتابة تعبير بالانجليزي موضوع تعبير انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسك وصف تعبير انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع موضوع انشاء شامل لكل المواضيع موضوع يصلح لجميع المواضيع موضوع تعبير انجليزي جاهز برجراف ينفع لاى موضوع  موضوع انجليزي عن الماء قصير وسهل فوائد بالانجليزي عبارات  بالانجليزي طويل اهمية مترجم ثالث ثانوي اول ثاني ثانوي متوسط خمس سبع ثمان تسع اربع جمل كلمات كلام مقال علمي مقدمة بحث انجليزي حلول اسباب حل مشكلة طويل شعر وصف قدوتي في الحياه انشودة نشيد كلام جميل حالات واتساب  2018 كلام

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