الدخول المدرسي بالانجليزي
مكونات المدرسة باللغة الانجليزية
قوانين المدرسة باللغة الانجليزية
تعبير عن المدرسة قصير جدا بالانجليزي
مرافق المدرسة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن المدرسة بالانجليزي مع الترجمه قصيره
موضوع عن المدرسة المثالية بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اول يوم دراسي بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الدراسة بالانجليزي

Back to School is the time when students start a new school year and return to school1. In many countries, it usually follows the summer break in Europe, which varies in the year according to the geographical position: from July to September in the northern hemisphere, and from January to February in the southern hemisphere. The period is then associated with the recovery of activity in general, be it economic or political, after the period of slowdown during the holidays. However back to school can also take place in the spring, for example in Japan and South Korea.
Back to school may vary, but in France it is around September 1st.
Back to school is also one of the most typical chestnuts in journalism.
On the student side
Emotional changes occur in the student: a new class, new classmates, new teachers, or even a new building in its own right (which is the case with neo-grade 6 students, for example) elementary school in college). Depending on the person, adaptation to the new environment is more or less good.
How to make a successful start

A "good comeback" can not be defined in a general way: most people consider that a good return is essentially a revision in summer, which may not be the case for everyone. The first days, the students will have only their kit and some notebooks, the time to receive the schedule of the week. It is particularly recommended to shop early, and this to avoid the rush of the last days before the day J.

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