عبارات بالانجليزي 

  عن السعادة مترجمة قصيره جمل عن موضوع عن الابتسامة بالانجليزي قصير قصيرة حكم باللغة الانجليزية  كلام  الابتسامة ، ابتسامة ، مبتسم – اقتباس باللغة الانجليزية عبارات جميلة باللغة الانجليزية مترجمه للعربيه حكم وامثال بالانجليزية وترجمتها بالعربى عن الحياة عن النجاح
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quotes, sayings and phrases about the smile

The smile is the kiss of the soul.
Michel Bouthot
The smile opens the door of the soul.
Vladimir Ghika
The smile of a child enlarges the universe.
Charles de Leusse
The surplus of the heart overflows with a smile.
Charles de Leusse
The smile is the universal language of goodness.
William Arthur Ward
When you smile at life, she makes you smiles.
Jean-Claude Brialy
The one who smiles accumulates points in the game of happiness.
Mario S. Neves
The smile is a magic key that opens many hearts.
Baden Powell
Wrinkles should simply be the mark of smiles.
Mark Twain
A smile is free and always pleasant to do or receive.
When there is nothing more to say, maybe it's time to smile?
Patrick Segal
You have to keep a few smiles to make fun of days without joy.
Charles Trenet
Life is like a mirror. If you smiled, it returns you your image.
Louis Nucera
A smile was often enough for two people to unite for a lifetime.
Publilius Syrus
There are smiles whose grace speaks to the spirit, and which go straight to the heart.
George Sand
Do not wait to be happy to smile, smile instead to be happy.
Edward L. Kramer
A real smile in the face of life is a care that is offered to one's body and one's mind.
Véronique and Davina
You have to take life as it comes, with a good child's smile when you wake up.
Jean-Marie Guyau
Since one has to live, as much to do it with a smile, to say to oneself that the best is to come.
If I made a smile on a face today, I do not think I was useless.
Hamadi Ben Jerad
And it is sometimes in a look, in a smile that are hidden words that we never knew.
Yves Duteil
The smile melts the ice, builds confidence and heals wounds. This is the key to sincere human relations.
Those who smile tend to lead, teach or sell more effectively, and their children are generally happier.
James U. McConnell
Happiness is not the smile that you show when you are facing others but the one that remains in your heart when you are facing yourself.
John Joos
The smile is the light of the heart. When you smile, your heart opens and remains happy. At this moment, your whole being is illuminated.
Nathy LaBell
The smile is a treasure. It is not essential that a person be pretty; she must be kind. The habit of smiling can redo a face.
Ernest Ouellet
Let's keep smiling and life will appear brighter. Our optimism will give us confidence and give us the impetus to act effectively around us.

Brother Derotteleur
The smile is a gift from heaven that everyone has in him. He brings peace and happiness to the one who dispenses it but also to the one who receives it. He is the ray of sunshine of our inner child.
Stéphanie Bresson
Love and compassion are the mother and father of a smile. We must create more smiles in our world today. The smile, after all, opens the way to a happy world.
Steve Maraboli
Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a word of encouragement, a listening ear, a compliment or a little helping hand. These gestures actually have the power to transform the world one life at a time.
Leo Buscaglia
The smile is beauty in action with the potential to seduce, reassure and soften. It is also all the mystery that surrounds it, the memories of hilarious moments, the glow of the beautiful days, that of the better days too. The Mona Lisa has become famous, it is all at the same time contagious, ephemeral but eternal, regardless of age. Just a sketch is enough.
Yves Fleury (Blind person)
If we want more smiles in life, we must create the conditions for them to appear.
Dalai Lama (The Little Book of Wisdom of the Dalai Lama, p160)
Whatever the ferocity of men, the smile appears every time someone is born.
Christian Bobin (The light of the world, p.107, 2001)
The smile is the most delicate and sensitive sign of the distinction and the quality of the spirit.
Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve (My Poisons, 1988)
The most spiritual writers produce the most imperceptible smiles.
Friedrich Nietzsche (Human, Too Human, 1878-1879)
The more the mind becomes happy and sure of itself, the more the man unlearns the loud laughter; on the other hand, he is constantly seized with a more intellectual smile, a sign of his astonishment at the innumerable hidden charms of this good life.
Friedrich Nietzsche (Human, Too Human, 1878-1879)
Nobody is poor enough to deserve it.
Raoul Follereau (The Book of Love, 1920)
Do you want to do a good action? Smile to those you meet.
René Berthiaume (The look of the owl)
The smile is the politeness of the heart.
René Berthiaume (The look of the owl)
The smile is a kind of vaccine against the moment of ill-being.
Marc Lévy (Seven days for an eternity)
Mouse in the world and the world will smile at you.
Sister Emmanuelle
It is not those who are lucky who smile; it is those who smile who are lucky.
Sister Emmanuelle
Try to smile, just to make this effort, to smile at dawn, from morning to night, it looks like nothing, but look at the other, listen to him, smile at him, take an interest in him in my opinion, it is the beginning of the human being, the difference between the beast and the man.
Sister Emmanuelle
To know how to smile: what strength of appeasement, strength of softness, calm, strength of radiance.
Guy de Larigaudie
It is a good way to create a friendly soul: the smile. Not the ironic smile and mocking, the smirk that judges or shrinks. But the smile broad, clean, smile on the verge of laughter.
Guy de Larigaudie
A smile is the most beautiful makeup a woman can wear.
Marilyn Monroe
Keep smiling, because life is beautiful and there are so many things you can smile at.
Marilyn Monroe
Smile, it feels good inside and out.
Maj Majest
The smile, when it is deep, when it comes from the heart, is pure beauty and generosity.
Maj Majest
You can not always have a smile on your face. But we must smile to life if we want life to smile in turn.
Jacques Caron
The smile is the spark that makes your eyes sparkle and opens your heart to the people you meet in your path.
Jacques Caron
A smile is the sparkling candle that brightens our hearts and warms those of others.
Jacques Caron
The smile is a nod to intelligence and an open door to human communication.

Jacques Caron
A smile is rest for being tired, courage for the dejected soul, consolation for the mourning heart.
Khalil Gibran
The smile does not cost anything and produces a lot. He enriches the one who receives it, without impoverishing the one who gives it. It lasts only a moment, but its memory is sometimes immortal.
Khalil Gibran
No one needs a smile as much as one who does not know how to give to others. Each of us has a part of beauty, it is enough to radiate it from the inside to the outside.
Khalil Gibran
It is not as good as the smile of those we love.
Romain Guilleaumes
The dimples of a pretty smile are pearls that make a beautiful soul a jewel.
Romain Guilleaumes
Your look, your smile, and your attentions can be a source of happiness.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Joy is often the source of the smile. But sometimes it is the smile that is the source of joy.
Thich Nhat Hanh
A smile costs less than electricity, but it gives as much light.
Abbot stone
A little nothing is a smile to distribute on its way. It's almost nothing but it's a lot. It makes you happy and it's contagious.
Abbot stone
Peace begins with a smile.
Mother Teresa
The revolution of love begins with a smile! Smile five times a day at someone you do not want to smile at. You must do it for peace.
Mother Teresa
We must always meet with a smile, because the smile is the beginning of love.
Mother Teresa
The secret of success, the secret of happiness, is to manifest what you want to have. If you want smiles, good looks, give smiles and good looks.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
The smile you send back to you.
Hindu proverb
If you smile, it's half for your face, half for someone else's. Peace is like a smile.
Tibetan proverb
Our smile is often a reflection of the joy we feel. But conversely, our joy can be the result of our smile.
Anonymous author for this quote and the following
Smile to life and she will smile at you.
Happiness is the smile of the soul.
A sincere smile is hope reborn.
Never give up what makes you smile.
All the reasons are good for smiling.
The smile is often the sign of a sincere friendship.
A smiling face is the most beautiful of all landscapes.
Sometimes joy, sometimes sadness, but always a smile.
The smile only costs the pleasure of offering or picking it.
Be the reason someone smiles today.
A good smile is still what dries the tears best.
The smile is the shortest distance between two people.
The flowers need sun, the man needs to smile!
Smile is the best way to show teeth to fate.
The smile is to beauty what flowers are in spring.
Laughter is the song of the soul. The smile is his refrain.
A face needs a smile to communicate its beauty.
People smile the same way in all languages.
Learning to laugh at oneself is a joyful way to serenity.
Love is smiling, not with the mouth, but with the heart.
Sometimes it only takes one smile to illuminate a whole day.
The smile makes friendships more sustainable and families happier.
It is when a man does not smile anymore that he is the most seriously ill.
We are never completely dressed until we smile.
Hang a smile on your face, it allows him to express all his beauty.
The best way to disassemble to life that we appreciate is to smile.
Nothing is more beautiful and powerful than a smile caught in the midst of tears.
To smile is to rejuvenate ten years; to be sad is to have white hair.
Smile when you answer the phone, the person on the phone will feel it.
Every human being is a planet that deserves the warmth of the sun with a smile.
The best gift you can give me is the smile of a happy child.
The smile is like the perfume of a flower that embellishes the place where it is.
A smile is a light at the window of the soul which indicates that the heart is there.
To laugh or smile, is to bite with teeth in what life has the best to offer us.
Make your smile change the world, not the world change your smile.
You offered your smile to everyone. You filled our days with indescribable joy.
A smile creates happiness in the home, encourages benevolence in business and seals friendship.
You can let your smile change people, but do not let people change your smile.
It only takes a moment to create a smile, and a smile is enough to make everything possible.
A glance, a smile given, received or exchanged, the day lights up, clouds like worries flee.

This facilitates the learning of children

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