تعبير عن basketball بالانجليزي
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معلومات عن basketball بالانجليزي
موضوع عن basketball بالانجليزي
تعبير عن basketball بالانجليزي

My favorite sport is basketball

Every person has to do one thing to protect their body against obesity, by different means for example the person can go to the gym two or three days to do exercises. We can play a sport that we like to spend our free time. You can eat foods that do not cause obesity ... etc.

I am a sporty girl, basketball is my favorite sport despite my many experiences in different games like swimming and handball. I liked this sport because it is a collective game, where the group can not win any match that when it unites together. I have been playing basketball for five years and every year I learn something new.

Basketball is a sport that helps us learn patience, cooperation and participation. In addition, it helps us a lot in life because it protects our body against diseases when we grow up, it improves our bad mood and it's not only basketball, all sports play a very important role in everyone's life. .

I have a lot of fun when I play with my team, I always have to play with a good mood to be able to play a team game. I always try to learn new skills to be a professional player. Again, I try to enjoy the games we play. I took a lot of medals in basketball and again I got the certificate of the best player in one of the matches. I am very proud of myself and I hope that I will be able to do more and make my parents proud of me.

I will be very happy when the coach encourages me, I feel that I can provide the best.

And you, what is your favorite sport?

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