تعبير عن الجزائر بالانجليزية

تعبير عن الجزائر بالانجليزية  قصير  عن بلاد الشهداء الوطن الجزائر بالانجليزي 
تقاليد الجزائر العاصمة 

Algeria is a country in North Africa that is part of the Maghreb. It is bordered on the east by Tunisia and Libya, on the south by Niger and Mali, on the west by Mauritania, Western Sahara and Morocco. It is bathed in the north by the Mediterranean Sea.

The Algerian population exceeded 40 million inhabitants a few years ago (42.5 million inhabitants in 2018). The economy has grown strongly in recent years, mainly as a result of higher world oil and gas prices in recent years and strong demand in these sectors.
Economic growth has therefore made good, up to + 6% per year. But Algeria remains very, if not too much, dependent on this oil windfall. Especially with the current fall in prices, the fluctuation is likely to weaken the country's public finances.
Algeria has, finally, embarked on the development of its infrastructure, in poor condition in many regions, and the means it now has allow it to hope to succeed in getting the country back on track after more than one year. decade of serious troubles. Motorways, dams, electric factories and desalination of seawater, projects in progress are not lacking.
Unemployment, very important in the country, is in sharp decline, which improves the social situation of many Algerians. However, rural areas often remain isolated from development, and are the main focus of discontent.

 The Red Tadrart in Djanet, in southern Algeria. Source: Cape Djinet,
Algeria faces several threats: on the one hand, punctual terrorism continues to weigh on the morale of Algerians and still threatens foreign investment.
On the other hand, the desert continues to advance, and threatens agriculture on its side. A serious problem that will have to be fought with more conviction than the politicians have at the moment.
Finally, as the population continues to grow, the number of young people is growing, and it will be necessary to provide work in the future. At the risk of intensifying emigration, especially better educated, who aspire to a better life abroad.
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