برجراف عن الحياة في الماضي بالانجليزي
نقدم لكم اعزائي الطلال برجراف عن الحياة في الماضي والمستقبل بالانجليزية وهو تعبير يبين الفرق في الماضي والحاضرخصوصا حياة الانسان القديم والحديث والمقارنة بين البيوت والطعام في الماضي والحاضر
The famous graphic designer Yang Liu confronts our lifestyles of the past with those of today. She uses the principle of striking pairs of pictograms to evoke the transformations and challenges of our ever-changing world ...
In a mixture of graphic subtlety and insightful observation of our behaviors, the artist brings, in her latest book Yesterday / Today, a user manual, her sharp eye on our tastes and tendencies to tackle the profound changes in our society.
We love this mischievous and insightful look about who we are and where we come from. These pictograms really make you think.
Breakfast: Journal VS ipad
lifestyle 1
Friendship: REAL friends VS virtual friends
lifestyle 2
Real shopping VS buying online
lifestyle 3
Eat well VS eat "balanced"
lifestyle 4
Hide your money: under the bed VS in a tax haven
lifestyle 5
The only fish in the sea VS the fish + the bottles in the sea
lifestyle 6
Enjoy a concert VS spend the evening filming a concert
lifestyle 7
Running VS Running a jog
lifestyle 8
Search: VS Google Dictionary
lifestyle 9
Pizza evening VS Pizza party + Instagram
lifestyle 10
The book Hier / aujourd'hui, instructions for use has been published by Taschen. It is the result of a work started 3 years ago with the books Man / woman, instructions for use and East / West, instructions for use.
الفرق بين الطعام في الماضي والحاضر
بين الماضي و الحاضر
حياة الانسان القديم والحديث
مقارنة بين الهاتف في الماضي والحاضر بالانجليزي
الفرق بين البيوت في الماضي والحاضر
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