وصف الجزائر بالانجليزية

وصف الجزائر بالانجليزية
تعبير كتابي عن وصف بلد الجزائر و مدينة الجزائر العاصمة بالانجليزية  و التحدث عن المناطق السياحية في الجزائر بالانجليزية
short paragraph about algeria 3am

the beauty of Algeria is also, or even especially its desert. At the gateway to the Sahara, the Mozabites founded the holy cities of Beni Izguen, El Ateuf, Bou Noura, Melika and Ghardaia. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Mzab Valley is unique for its medieval Arabic architecture. From there it is necessary to travel 1,100 km due South, to reach Tamanrasset, the starting point of the excursions towards Tassili of Hoggar and Assekrem. Sublime arid mountains that peak at 2918m at Mount Tahat. Further east, the Tassili Ajjer is also spectacular. It is also a World Heritage Site and is famous for its petrified forests and its many rock paintings. It is usually accessed from the oasis of Djanet.

Algeria Travel
Because of its geographical, historical, cultural, but also human proximity, Algeria is a country to which many French people feel attached. This neighbor opposite, however, remains little known. After a dark decade in which tourism was put in brackets, Algeria opens its doors and invites us to explore its beautiful lands.

Because this huge country has enough to meet the expectations of the traveler. In the north of Algeria, we appreciate this long fertile strip whose coastline is spared by concrete and where the majestic mountains of Kabylie have preserved their authenticity. The history lover loses himself in the alleys of the old casbahs and wanders among the vestiges left over the centuries by conquering peoples and empires.
At the gateway to the Algerian desert, in the shadow of an oasis, one can taste the legendary hospitality of southern men. Then far, finally, extends the Sahara, ocean of sand and stones that can be seen at sunset from the plateau of Assekrem, which was the place of meditation of Father de Foucauld.
Algeria has many riches to offer, both culturally and naturally. It's lucky that he did not succumb to the temptation of mass tourism, let's take the opportunity to visit him before it's too late

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