تعبير عن your favorite relative
تعبير عن your favorite relative

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your favorite relative
I wanted to talk to you about my family situation. I'm pretty sure my parents prefer my older 18-year-old brother.

To start, you have to know that I have a little more than 2 years apart (I have 15 and he will have 18) and that I have a good relationship with my brother, when we talk enjoy it and he's nice to me. But unfortunately we are very different. I am rather a good student (15 average), while my brother never try to do his duty alone and did not pass his bachelor of literature.
Nevertheless, my parents prefer it to me.
My parents have always preferred it.

your favorite relative

Little I often had bad grades because I did not dare to ask my parents for help since I thought it was going to bother them in their work, but my brother (as I said just before) was only doing never his duty alone.
I also noticed that when we come home from school, my parents prefer to listen to my brother's stories than mine. I also noticed that my mother had more fun when my brother was there than when we were both.
I can not stand the idea that my mother is sad when my brother is not here because I'm really hooked on her (more than my father) and that seeing her as her about me really makes me VERY JALOUSE.

Moreover, my brother always had what he wanted, as for example my father decided to offer my brother a trip to the United States, and in a short time, he will go to a concert in Paris with just my mother on the pretext that he has nothing to do with the day and that I must go to high school. When I tell them that they do more things with my brother, they say "but if you want to do something, you just have to tell us." While my brother does not even need to ask where to look since my parents do it for him.

your favorite relative

The worst is that when I tell them that their way of doing disturbs me, I feel guilty, because I have the inversion of asking too much ....
When I tell them that he prefers my brother to me they say "but no we do not have a favorite" but they do not really try to convince me.

It's really hard because I really have my parents and my brother and I would love to be as sociable as this one but I can not do it. I am rather a lonely person who likes to listen to music looping all alone in my room. I hope to change and become more friendly but it's easier said than done.

All of it to say that I am really psychologically bad because of that and that I'm hurting myself ... 😔
I hope someone understands how I feel.

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