برجراف عن التكنولوجيا

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فوائد التكنولوجيا بالانجليزي

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Technology is changing the way we live, work and think, but how can it remain sensitive to humans? The social role of the company, its raison d'être, are inseparable from a reflection on the social role of technology: how to think of the latter so that it becomes humanist and inclusive?


We have to admit that technology is changing the way we live, work and think, but that it is, in itself, insensitive to humans. A simple means at the service of ends that she obviously does not set for herself. Look at the robots: caring life assistants or killer robots and other autonomous combat drones depending on how they are programmed and the purposes for which they are intended.


Does connecting people with each other through platforms make them better? More open to others, more united? Smarter?

Does reducing inequalities go through a trend increase in digitization? Does digital technology also create jobs and value for the most vulnerable, and can it facilitate their entry into or retention in the labor market?

Do the major players in tech and digital have a social responsibility in the service of the common good? Or are they just "pure players" in a game whose rule is the law of the strongest? At the end of May, on the eve of the VivaTech trade fair, the "Tech for Good" summit was held at the Elysee Palace during which the digital giants made societal commitments, particularly in terms of education and training for large numbers to digital. Sincere and lasting will? Announcement effects? How to "redeem" after resounding scandals like Cambridge Analytica?

That technology should be a source of progress made by and for humans is a postulate that was expressed at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Should the machine liberate Men or enslave them? Relieve their daily life and improve their living and working conditions or, on the contrary, directing them and "reducing" them (instead of "increasing" them), as Chaplin brilliantly shows for example in Modern Times? An old question, then, but one that is of redoubled importance in this era of the digitization of the world, the robotization of the economy and the concerns that AI poses for the future of humanity.


The age of technology indeed raises many questions.


I don't believe in the fantasy of replacing humans with machines. The real question is rather this: how to ensure that Tech responds to the common good, in the sense of social well-being and economic prosperity? And one of the most crucial issues is to ensure that the worrying power of human control that Tech allows does not prevail over its "liberating" promises, in the fields of education and knowledge, science and technology. medicine, etc.


Campaigning for a technology that protects people is an urgent necessity. By pasticizing Rabelais' words, we could say: "Digital without consciousness is nothing but ruin of the soul". "Humanistic" technology must also be at the service of equal opportunities, which it is not inherently.


Digital technology must be united, that is to say, benefit the most vulnerable. An illustration of the "inclusive" use of the technological tool: the Simplon network and its digital training program for refugees, which combines the learning of the French language with the teaching of computer programming in order to facilitate integration professional training for refugees in digital professions.


In general, people must have the last word and be at the heart of business transformation strategies. The example of cybersecurity, a very specialized subject, which uses very complex technologies, illustrates this. In terms of cybersecurity, the company can only master this issue if trust and a culture of collaboration allow people to adopt the right reflexes to guard against the cyber threat.

The social role of the company, or its raison d'être, which is talked about a lot today, is in my view inseparable from a reflection on the social role of technology. And it is a primary responsibility of companies as users or designers of technological products and services to make technology a tool at the service of the well-being of the greatest number, and of people's freedom.


And as robot specialist Laurence Devillers says very well: "You have to know what you are doing and what you want to do. It is not the machine that must make choices for society, but 'Man who has to decide what she's going to bring him. " It's up to us to make the right choices, for today and for the future.

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