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Thomas Addison (1793-1860)


Thomas Addison (1793-1860): a medical genius plagued by depression


Thomas Addison, one of the great physicians of the 19th century, experienced fame and decline.


He was born in Long Benton, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Sarah and Joseph Addison, a grocer and flour merchant. He attended the Royal Grammar School in Newcastle where he learned, among other things, to speak Latin fluently. He was educated at Edinburgh Medical School in 1812 and graduated in 1815 with a thesis on the mercurial treatment of syphilis [1]


Addison then went to London where he was a surgical resident at Lock Hospital. He then went up all the degrees of success, finishing Professor of internal pathology at the famous Guy's Hospital in London [2],. He remained in this post until 1855


Addison's contribution to medicine was considerable: he was the first to describe the disease that bears his name [3], combining bronzed pigmentation of the integuments and insufficiency of the adrenal gland most often caused by tuberculosis [4 ]. It should be noted here that Addison had long been interested in the problem of skin pigmentations


Addison also described the first macrocytic anemia known as "Addison-Biermer" and adreno-leukodystrophy, called "Addison's disease (Schilder"


The tragedy in Thomas Addison's life was the recurrence of his depressive state. He ends up killing himself. The Brighton Herald Tribune sums up the drama as follows: "Prof. Adddison was 72 years old and suffered from a form of madness called melancholy which altered his mental state. He was walking in the garden with his nurses at the time. where he was called for dinner. He took a step toward the front door, but suddenly threw himself over a low wall in the courtyard - nine feet high - broke the skull and died at one in the morning "


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