تعبير عن فيلمك المفضل بالانجليزي قصير

My favorite movie تعبير

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Titanic is already a grand spectacle. No one questions this aspect of the film. Fifteen years later, the film has not aged a bit. The sinking is a realism no film has yet matched. Even the digital, which we are used en masse in films like 2012 or Transformers, does not ring as true as the special effects of Titanic. Cameron is a perfectionist to the point of having made a real life-size model.


But, unlike many blockbusters, Titanic doesn't rely on the strength of its special effects. James Cameron cares about authenticity, so much so that he recreated the interior of the boat as it was. Cutlery, doorknobs, chairs. The re-enactment is rarely meticulous in the cinema. Titanic is also a splendid photograph: each shot is bathed in an almost surreal light. Often, blockbusters are accompanied by a somewhat subdued, or even digitized, photograph that rings false. Here, we almost feel this light, which illuminates each shot like paintings, especially in the first part. This "painting" aspect, this light, this insane reconstruction, recall in every way the atmosphere of Barry Lyndon. Amazing that we praise the artistic qualities of Barry Lyndon and that we never mention the virtuosity of Titanic. But again, a $ 300 million budget, popular success. The film is refused artistic ambition. Finally, let us mention the costumes and attitudes, very neat.




1747648814_small.jpg Who has never dreamed of a film that is both ultra-spectacular, but which leaves room for the intimate? Titanic is one of the rare films where, despite the excessiveness of the project, the characters live, are endearing and worked. Cameron has the audacity, in a blockbuster, to start his film with an hour and a half of intimism. Do you realize what that means? This man has produced a colossal budget movie, but he doesn't show anything spectacular for almost a hundred minutes!


Personally, I've always regretted that there was a gap between big budget movies where you just show off, and intimate movies which are more interesting and deep but don't elicit strong emotions. Titanic is a reconciliation that I have been waiting for for years. Here is a film that takes the time to plant its characters, to anchor a universal story and which sounds authentic, but which blows us away with very great moments of suspense and pure spectacle. A quality that, for example, the Lord of the Rings trilogy does not have. All three films are breathtaking in terms of spectacle, but the intimate scenes are rushed, and the film is viewed with great pleasure, but without much attachment to the characters.


Titanic manages, with little, to bring the viewer into immersion in the film. Looking more closely, we see that Cameron places great emphasis on touch in his film. All of the characters touch each other (no, Hunter, no hint!), In one way or another, even in the moments of a big show. So despite the immensity of the shipwreck, our characters are still grounded in reality, terribly endearing and authentic.





I would never fault anyone for not liking Titanic. Because Titanic is a blockbuster, of course, but above all an author's film. And an author's film is a film where the director tries to convey a personal emotion. And rare are the films where I have felt a particular emotion with any real intensity. There is Mulholland Drive, where David really gives us an emotion of his own, and that I felt. I also felt that of Melancholia, even if the film annoys me, I must admit that Von Trier created a unique emotion.


This is what I look for in a movie. This unique emotion that makes you forget reality, that characterizes a film. Great directors know how to work a lot and use all their inspiration to create a pure, unique feeling that gives the film its personality. Suddenly, when I think of Melancholia, I don't think of the film, the director or the actors, I think of this condensed image which forms a whole, and which remains in my mind as if engraved in stone.


And, surprisingly, Titanic is one of those extremely rare films, which evokes a unique emotion in me just from the mention of the title. Many reject the depth of the Titanic, claiming it is a rose water story. For me, the love story is just a medium to elicit a much greater emotion. An incredible fury, inspiration and lyricism that transform this seemingly banal story into a timeless song about life, the fury of living despite the passage of time, the trials



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