طريقة عمل تشيز كيك باللغة الإنجليزية
مقادير تشيز كيك بالانجليزي
طريقة تشيز كيك بالانجليزي
ما معنى كلمه تشيز كيك بالانجليزية
ترجمة تشيز كيك
تشيز كيك بالانقلش
كتابة تشيز كيك بالانجليزي
طريقة عمل البان كيك باللغه الإنجليزية
أحلى تشيز كيك
Crumble the speculoos or bastogne cookies using a blender or a rolling pin. The goal is to obtain fairly fine crumbs but not powder. Melt the butter. You can use other types of cookies, such as cookies, small butter or oreos for example.
In a bowl, pour the butter over the cookie crumbs and mix them to obtain a grainy dough. Pour this dough into the bottom of a pan covered with a sheet of baking paper. Distribute the whole evenly by making the cookies go up slightly on the edges. Let sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
Mix the ricotta with the lightly beaten eggs, heavy cream, powdered sugar and a tablespoon of natural vanilla flavoring.
To finish
When the mixture is homogeneous, pour it over the cookies. Put the cheesecake to bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 45 minutes, then let it rest inside the oven off for another 30 minutes. Let the cheesecake rest for at least 3 hours in the refrigerator before serving.
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