برجراف عن the advantages and disadvantages of social media

The advantages and disadvantages of social media

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برجراف عن social media

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Advantages and disadvantages of social media for students

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Disadvantages of social media




The impact of social media on our lives


Social media plays a big role in our lives. Even those who were more reluctant a few years ago have found a platform that works for them. In fact, 96% of Canadians aged 16 to 24 connect to a social network every day. Young people, like the less young, use them to socialize and learn. The advantages are many, but so are the disadvantages... and sometimes an advantage can become a disadvantage. Here are some impacts of social media .


The benefits of social networks




Social networks are promotional tools for commercial enterprises and service providers. They are also vectors of change and mobilization. It was by communicating via the latter that the actors of the Arab Spring overthrew three governments in 2011 (Tunisia, Egypt, Libya).


Get informed


It is also via social networks that press companies and communication organizations inform their members of the latest developments in the news. Information now travels faster than ever and it is easy to reach a significant mass of people in a short time.


Getting closer to those we love


These same social networks make it possible to find lost relationships, former romantic partners, once-appreciated class buddies, even distant relatives. They remain effective tools for obtaining news from our loved ones.


During the COVID-19 pandemic , social networks have become essential to be in contact with loved ones. What would we do without its tools to exchange and share with all those people we miss on a daily basis?


Share, denounce and change our world


Many social networks, including YouTube and Facebook allow the dissemination of images that can change the world or lead to interventions in certain hot spots of the globe. Videos of reprisals against Syrian and Yemeni demonstrators are fine examples of their effectiveness. The video broadcast live on Joyce Echaquan 's Facebook also shook the whole of Quebec and generated a necessary reflection on the treatment reserved for certain indigenous people. In addition, various denunciation movements , among others, #Metoo, would not have had the same impact without social networks.


Develop new relationships


Each social network offers the possibility of multiplying relationships and developing new ones. Some find love there, others cultivate friendships there. These networks also make it possible to appeal to everyone in order to obtain help in certain circumstances and even to find a job there.


Break the loneliness?


Evil of the century, loneliness undermines the well-being of many people. However, social networks fill part of this relational void, but at the same time, when abused, they can accentuate it.


The disadvantages of social networks


But if they bring many advantages, social networks, like the Internet, are capable of the best as well as the worst.


Bullying and Harassment


A fashionable subject both in North America and among our French cousins, bullying finds its place in social networks. Malicious people use it to harass colleagues, colleagues or classmates. Young and old write insulting or hateful messages and have a great time, without censorship.


Pedophilia and child pornography


Horror stories are legion. Many pedophiles use social networks to find and seduce little girls and teenagers to then attack them or to obtain photos of them scantily clad. Social network users are getting younger and younger, and bad guys know where to find them. For this reason, it is imperative not to leave children alone on social networks.


Professional and private life


The barrier between professional and private life is diminishing with social networks. The more people appear there, the more people around them can know everything about them. Among this entourage, there may be a future employer, or someone who targets his victims to commit theft. We must never forget that what we put on the web becomes public, despite the privacy settings, despite the images which, in principle, disappear after a few minutes. With social networks, there is no longer any barrier between professional life and private life. It is therefore imperative to question ourselves in relation to what we are feeding from our “virtual life”. »




Hackers are masters at identity theft through social media. Some use it to gain access to your personal information. Others break into your computer to steal passwords and important numbers: social insurance, bank card, credit cards and more.




Social networks are a huge source of information. However, misinformation is just as much there. It is increasingly difficult to separate what is true from what is false. In addition, the algorithms used by social networks often present a single facet of information, that which reinforces our positions.


For this reason, social network users should take the time to learn from outside media, which are reliable sources of information.


Lowered self-esteem


We notice, more and more, a drop in self-esteem among frequent users of social networks, especially among teenage girls. By always comparing themselves to perfect images, to people who seem to be continually experiencing extraordinary things, it seems increasingly difficult for young people to form their own self-esteem.


Mental health problem in adolescents


Added to this drop in self-esteem are mental health problems. Studies show that they are on the rise since the massive use of social networks.


Symptoms of anxiety , depression, and loneliness are heightened in people who spend 3-6 hours a day on social media .


Isolation and radicalization


While one of the strengths of social networks is to break loneliness, they nevertheless lead to accentuating isolation. Some individuals find it easier to communicate through a screen than in the real world. Exchanges with others in the real world dwindle until they disappear completely. This isolation can even lead to radicalization.




We have been talking about cyberaddiction for several years now. Social media, of course, has its share of blame, especially since it is designed to create this addiction . Beyond the "likes" that we wish to receive, there is also the FOMO phenomenon , that is to say the fear of missing out. ( fear of missing out). It becomes imperative to always have your phone at hand so as not to miss anything that happens on social media... but during this time, we miss out on our existence.


In conclusion


In an increasingly individualistic world, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Tiktok, LinkedIn to name a few, bring people together, professionals, find suppliers or customers. But, they also drive a wedge between reality and the virtual world. Social networks are here to stay and they undeniably bring positive to many aspects of our world, but we must not forget to live our life to the fullest. You have to learn to use them sparingly and not get caught up in the virtual universe... which has nothing real !



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