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House  Maintenance And Storage


Maintaining the house: 9 tasks to do once a week

Scratched paint? Worn caulking? Unruly hurdles? If you know what projects to tackle, plan your tasks for the week – and be realistic! These small weekly tasks will help you maintain the house and keep it clean. Here's what every homeowner should do once a week!


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Make a list of where to start to maintain the house. BOOPHUKET/SHUTTERSTOCK

Make a list


“The most important thing to do every week for your home is to quickly assess which tasks to add to your calendar,” says Elizabeth Dodson, co-founder of a home maintenance software company. If you know what projects to tackle, plan your tasks for the week – and be realistic!


Make realistic lists! Follow these tips to better organize yourself on a daily basis.


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Get rid of five items to maintain your house. GENA96/SHUTTERSTOCK

Get rid of five items


Decluttering an entire house all at once can be boring, but getting rid of five items a week (or putting them away) seems much more achievable, notes Maeve Richmond, founder and organization coach at Maeve's Method .


“I call it Top Five , which makes it a game,” she says. If you're looking for expired food, old receipts, junk mail, dirty socks, and other useless items, it won't take long to collect five items.


Learn what storage experts would never do in their own home.


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Clean the stove vent to maintain the house. BRIZMAKER/SHUTTERSTOCK

Clean the stove vent


Don't stop at wiping down your stove top! Remove the top vent and rinse it to remove grease and food residue buildup. “This habit can prevent fires,” says Dodson. “Your food could be better too.”


Remember those things you don't wash often enough!


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Empty the “empty pockets” and the pile of clothes to clean the house. OLGA PINK/SHUTTERSTOCK

Empty the “empty pockets”


Most homes have a cubbyhole or a place for things to accumulate, whether it's the mail or a pile of clothes on a bedroom chair. While containing clutter is better than spreading it throughout the home, some buildup can become overwhelming.


"I encourage people to put their stuff in a 'drop zone' and then clean up there frequently," Richmond suggests.


Follow these tips to revamp your wardrobe.


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Vacuum regularly to maintain the house. ARTFAMILY/SHUTTERSTOCK

To vacuum


“Not only are you removing dust and dirt from floors, you're protecting your HVAC air filters,” says Dodson. If you don't change your heating, ventilation and air conditioning filters or vacuum often enough, pet hair and other particles can accumulate and harm not only the ventilation system but also your home. quality of life, she says.


If you've lost motivation, these tips will help you get through your housework!


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Water the plants to maintain the house. KPG PAYLESS2/SHUTTERSTOCK

Water the plants


“A dried-out houseplant is pretty sad to see,” notes Richmond. By committing to checking your plants once a week, you can keep your houseplants healthy even if you don't necessarily have a green thumb. See if your plants need watering and rake up fallen leaves, recommends Richmond.


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Mow the lawn to avoid being invaded by Quebec ticks. STOCKWITHME/SHUTTERSTOCK

To mow the lawn


By mowing your lawn weekly, your yard won't become unruly, says Dodson. Plus, it's better for your mower! "If you wait too long, it could cause problems with the blades of the device," she says. Long grass could get stuck there, making it more difficult next time.


Be sure to avoid these things when maintaining your lawn.


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Dust surfaces to maintain the house. VGSTOCKSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK

Dust the surfaces


To prevent clutter from becoming overwhelming, take a moment to dust a room. Take the opportunity to pick up objects that do not belong on your tables and the tops of shelves. Once you start, you may not be able to stop...


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Change bath towels to maintain the house. AFRICA STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK

Change bath towels


Even if you don't have time to scrub your tub, sink, and toilet every week, at least make sure you wash soiled towels. “Clean, tidy towels in the bathroom will bring freshness and order,” Richmond believes. Replace all used towels with new ones and be sure to fold or hang them properly in place.


Quick and easy, these 9 jobs to do in a weekend will enhance your home!


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