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How to manage negative reviews and comments from your community?


The reviews and comments generated by your community are very important. They forge your E-reputation through social networks and the Internet. Negatives, it is important to treat them for a better image of your company with your potential prospects. But what to do when you are the target of these reviews? Here are some tips for dealing with these comments while improving your E-reputation.

Analyze feedback and accept negative criticism


When publishing comments from your community on the various social networks, some comments may be critical and negative. The cause may come from dissatisfaction with the products or services offered. These negative comments must be treated in the best way to preserve your E-reputation.


You have to accept negative criticism. By admitting the error on your part, the Internet user will understand that you are there to help him. A negative opinion can also be constructive. In this case, invite this person to provide additional information in private to show that you are ready to find a solution and therefore be able to solve the problem.

Do not ignore negative comments and have an appropriate response


After analyzing the negative comments of Internet users, you will be able to deduce which are constructive and which are purely hate messages, written by trolls (a troll characterizes what aims to generate controversy, a confrontational debate). Constructive comments are therefore to be taken into account. Responding to them as quickly as possible can show your community that you care.


As indicated above, you must communicate with the Internet user and have an appropriate response to the comment. You must reassure the person, by showing them that your brand is listening to them and by inviting them to contact you privately to avoid spamming the comment space and therefore disturbing other users. Politeness and transparency in this situation are essential to maintain good credibility and preserve your E-reputation.


To deal with troll comments, don't take that criticism to heart and stay calm. You have several solutions to this problem. You can ignore it and let your community act for you! If your community is active, chances are this comment will be derided by other members of your community. For this, you need a large enough community, otherwise the mass effect can occur and this could be detrimental to brand image. You can also, if your brand uses a certain humor on the networks, respond directly to this troll by using this lever! Be careful to remain courteous and friendly, you must not disrespect people in your community.


To help you understand how to use humor, you can take an example from Burger King France! They use self-mockery very well on the various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Do not delete negative posts or reviews


Finally, it is strongly advised not to delete negative messages and comments. This risks becoming even more widespread and damaging your brand image and therefore tarnishing your E-reputation. You can make mistakes, it's normal. But you have to be prepared to manage negative comments and opinions on social networks and on the Internet as well as possible.


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