برجراف عن نفسي بالانجليزي


تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسي في المستقبل

تعبير عن نفسي بالانجليزي للجامعة

انشاء عن نفسي جاهز

تكلم عن نفسك بالانجليزي pdf

تعبير انجليزي عن نفسي ثاني ثانوي مقررات

تعبير عن نفسي وهواياتي

اختبار تعريف نفسك بالانجليزية

تعريف نفسك بالانجليزية في المدرسة

تعبير عن نفسي بالانجليزي للجامعة

تعبير عن شخصيتي

تعبير عن ايميل بالانجليزي عن نفسي

كيف اصف نفسي بالانجليزية للسنة الثانية متوسط

كتابة قصة بالانجليزي عن نفسي

برجراف عن my self





Example of presentation of yourself in thirty seconds for networking:


My name is ahmed and I am currently looking for a job in youth services. I have ten years of experience in youth organizations. I have an outdoor activity supervision license. I raise funds, train leaders and organize teams. I have collected more than eighty thousand euros in each of the last six years. I consider myself a good speaker and I have a good sense of humor. “Among your connections, who works with young people? »




My name is mohamed and I love meeting new people and finding ways to help them have an uplifting experience. I worked with various customer services, where I stood out from my colleagues with a reduction in the number of products returned and an increase in loyal customers. I am dedicated, outgoing and a team player. Who can I talk to in your customer service about the need for this service?




Example of presenting yourself in thirty seconds for an interview:

People find me an optimistic and motivated colleague who has excellent communication skills. For the past few years I have worked in market research, telemarketing and customer service in the technology field. In particular, I had the experience of calling people in management positions in technology departments and launching actions that resulted in openings of slots. I've managed to keep a steady volume of calls and work and have consistently been in the top ten percent of salespeople, and I can do the same for your business. »

I am devoted and I have four children. I enjoy reading, and the knowledge and insight my reading gives me enhances my teaching skills and my public speaking abilities. I have done well raising my children and I attribute this success to my ability to plan and organize my time and do many different tasks simultaneously. This flexibility will help me in front of a class where there are many different personalities and ways of learning. »


Building a better future



Whether you are unemployed, happy in your job, or unsure of your current job, or just want to seek out new opportunities, ldsjobs.org will help you achieve your career goals. To know more :


Network profile


A network profile can help because it provides networking contacts with information that complements what a resume provides. It allows them to better understand what you are looking for and how they can help you. To know more :


surviving unemployment


As downsizing or business closures occur, even model employees may have to seek new employment. To know more :

Success stories in the field.


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