برجراف عن my family للصف السادس الابتدائي

برجراف عن my family للصف الأول الاعدادي

برجراف عن A member in your family

تعبير عن افراد العائلة بالانجليزية للسنة الاولى متوسط

تعبير عن family business

ماي فاميلي بالانجليزي

Your family

برجراف عن a special day in your family

تقرير عن family and friends

برجراف عن my family daily routine

برجراف عن my family اولي اعدادي

برجراف عن my family tree

برجراف عن my family is the secret of my happiness

موضوع عن my family بالانجليزي

تعبير عن my family

برجراف انجليزي عن my family

برجراف عن holiday with my family



Example n°1 of a written production on the family:


In our life, the family is something very sacred. Living life alone is nearly impossible. The family takes care of you, from your basic needs to a job. The family offers protection and security. As long as women and men do not have children, they are the responsibility of their families. From the moment they have children, they must provide for their own needs. They are also expected to contribute to the family's income. Women who leave their husbands return to their family of origin. Within the family, it is the elders who make the decisions. When an elder dies, another male member of the family assumes responsibility for the family, and if there is disagreement within the family, a mediator is brought in. The latter can be a man of the family but also a person of the entourage.



Example n°2 of a written production on the family:

Hello everyone, my name is Paul and I present to you my family:

Christelle and Serge, my grandparents, live in Canada. My grandmother is 60 and my grandfather is 62. My parents, François and Jeanne, live with me in Paris. My mother is a college professor and my father is an architect. My brother is called Lucas, he is 9 years old and my sister is called Léa, she is 20 years old. I have a cousin Charles and a cousin Pauline, they are French but they live in Spain because my uncle Jerôme and my aunt Cécile work there. My uncle is a policeman and my aunt is a lawyer. My cousins ​​speak Spanish very well. They are very nice. And this is my family!!





Example n°3 of a written production on the family:

My name is Marie. My family consists of four people. My husband and I have two children, a seven year old girl and a three year old boy. We also have animals: a cat, a dog, two rabbits and goldfish. We live in a nice house with a large garden. Our neighborhood is quiet and peaceful. I am a secretary and I take care of my two children when they come home from school. My husband is an English teacher in a school that is 20 kilometers from the house. On Sundays, we like to take family walks in the forest near our house and play games.

We play in the garden when the weather is nice or in the house when it rains. Our children's grandparents like to spend time with us on vacation. My husband's parents live very far from us, but my parents have a house a few kilometers from ours. The children like to cycle with their grandfather after school. My daughter sometimes bakes with her grandmother on Saturday afternoons. We eat them together on Saturday evenings. My sister also lives in the same town as us. She has three children, two boys and a girl. They like to come and spend the weekend at home, so my children play with their cousins ​​in the garden.




Example n°4 of a written production on the family:

I present you my family. My mother's name is Elisabeth. She has long brown curly hair. She wears a green sweater and brown pants. To my mother's right is my father, Nicolas. He has frizzy hair. He wears a white shirt, blue sweater and dark blue pants. My brother Bruno is right next to my father. In this photo he is a little serious but he is very friendly. He has long hair and he wears green pants. Next to my brother are my paternal grandparents. My grandmother is called Pauline and my grandfather Jacques. They are over sixty years old. My grandmother wears glasses and an orange cardigan. My father only has one sister, my aunt Christine. She is blonde. Her husband is called Jules. It's my uncle. He is tall and thin and has a beard. My mother has three brothers and a sister. The eldest is called Jean-Christophe. He is in his forties. He's right next to my mom. He's the one wearing a brown t-shirt. He is divorced and has two children, a boy and a girl. They are my cousins. Unfortunately they are not in this photo. My mother's sister is my aunt. Her name is Judith. She's the youngest. She is only 18 years old. She's just to the right of her older brother. My two other uncles, Hugo and Paul are next to my aunt Judith. Hugo is a little taller than Paul and he wears glasses. My maternal grandfather is called Louis. He is 73 years old and he walks with the help of his stick. He is a widower because my maternal grandmother died 3 years ago.

And that's all you can know on our site to learn how to write written productions about the family in French! these examples of texts will help you to know how to write essays on the family



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