Is it rude to say please and thank you?




Is it rude to say please and thank you?

How to teach children to say thank you?

How do I teach my child to say please and thank you?

What are please and thank you?

How do I teach my toddler manners?

How can I teach my toddler to say hello?

Is it rude to say please and thank you?


You're absolutely right. It can sound bossy and authoritative, and people often use it in hostile interactions to emphasize that another person has no choice but to comply. It's definitely something to avoid if you have any doubts that it will be received as you intend.


How to teach children to say thank you?


5 tips to get your child to say thank you and mean it


Exemplary recognition. As mothers, we need to be fluent in the language of gratitude before we can expect our children to understand even a sentence or two.

Teach meaning.

Talk about feeling.

Eliminate the element of surprise.

Practice gratitude to the giver.

How do I teach my child to say please and thank you?


8 keys to teaching children to say thank you and please when they are young.

1- Use sign language.

2- Repeat the correct words.

3- Model sets for good manners.

4- Be patient with slow progress.

5- Remember the magic word.

6- Don't make food a battlefield.

7- Use positive reinforcement.

What are please and thank you?


Use please to politely ask for something, thank you, or thank you when someone does something for you or gives you something. Finally, use you're welcome as a polite response when someone thanks you for something.


How do I teach my toddler manners?


Here are some tips for teaching your children good manners:


Exemplary manners. If you want your child to have good manners, you need to make sure you do too.

Practice at home.

Play them in public.

Give him the words.

Give your child positive reinforcement.

Be patient.

learn to coach.

teach table manners.

How can I teach my toddler to say hello?


Small Talk and Niceties Help them stick to fun little treats. Before entering a store, library, or other place where your child might meet people, let them know and review a few things they can say. Tell her that if someone asks her how she's doing, all she has to do is say, “Fine, thank you.

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