What is Prague close to?
What is Prague close to?
How to get from Prague to Kutna Hora?
Is Kutna Hora worth the detour?
How to get from Prague to Cesky Krumlov?
Is Cesky Krumlov worth it?
Are there bears in the Czech Republic?
How to get from Prague to Karlovy Vary?
How far is Prague from Karlovy Vary?
Where is the Hotel Pupp from your last vacation?
How far is Grand Hotel Pupp from Prague?
Where is the Czech Republic?
What is Prague close to?
Which countries are close to Prague? Slovakia, Poland, Germany and Austria are close to Prague.
How to get from Prague to Kutna Hora?
Trains to Kutná Hora depart from Prague Main Station (hlavní nádraží) every two hours in the morning and early afternoon, and every hour on trips from around 3pm. The trip takes about an hour and costs about 100 CZK/person one way. Kutná Hora Main Station (Kutná Hora hl.
Is Kutna Hora worth the detour?
Kutná Hora was definitely worth seeing as a detour from Prague. The Church of Bones alone was worth the visit as it was the most unique attraction we visited during our five weeks in Europe.
How to get from Prague to Cesky Krumlov?
One of the cheapest and most popular options is to travel by bus from Prague to Cesky Krumlov. Several companies go there several times a day. We recommend an early morning trip from 6:00 a.m. from Prague to 9:00 a.m. to Cesky Krumlov, which will cost you from €5 (one way).
Is Cesky Krumlov worth it?
Cesky Krumlov is located in Bohemia and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city escaped bombardment during World War II, which is why the old town is so well preserved. It is a pleasure to walk in this city. But Cesky Krumlov is worth a visit, even if it takes some effort.
Are there bears in the Czech Republic?
While bear sightings are rare in the Czech Republic, around 700-900 brown bears live in the wild in Slovakia and instances of them crossing the border around the Beskydy Mountains are not uncommon.
How to get from Prague to Karlovy Vary?
Train Prague — Karlovy Vary The easiest option is to take the Aeroexpress bus, which stops near Terminal 1; travel time is approximately 40 minutes; The price is 60 crowns / 2 EUR. Trains to Karlovy Vary (5 lines) run daily from Prague main station; The journey takes 3h30 and costs 12 euros.
How far is Prague from Karlovy Vary?
about 69 miles
Where is the Hotel Pupp from your last vacation?
How far is Grand Hotel Pupp from Prague?
Where is the Czech Republic?
central Europe
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