How to farm BP Ultra Sun?




How to farm BP Ultra Sun?

What is the fastest way to get Battle Points in Pokemon Ultra Sun?

Where can I get a power strip?

What is Power Bracer?

Where is the Energy Bracer Sword?

What is a macho device?

Which item increases speed in Pokemon?

Which Pokémon give Speed ​​EVs?

How to farm BP Ultra Sun?


BP breeding method:


Go to Heahea Beach on Akala Island.

Step onto the Mantine and select Melemele Surf Spot.

Increase your speed to reach the "orange" top speed state.

Jump off the wave and perform as many tricks as possible.

Land on the wave, quickly increase your speed and jump again.

What is the fastest way to get Battle Points in Pokemon Ultra Sun?


In the battle tree, you must create a team that can withstand all enemy Pokémon. Climb the ladder and challenge trainers to earn points. You can get more points the longer your streak is in the battle tree. In Mantine Surfing, you can get up to 50 battle points in five minutes.


Where can I get a power strip?


Buying from the Hammerlocke BP Shop The BP Shop in Hammerlocke sells Power Bands for 10 BP each. You can buy as many as you want as long as you have the BP to do so.


What is Power Bracer?


The Power Bracer (Japanese: パワーリスト Power Wrist) is a type of worn item introduced in Generation IV. It is a power item that gives the wearer attack cost values ​​as they gain experience.


Where is the Energy Bracer Sword?


Purchase from the Hammerlocke BP Shop The BP Shop in Hammerlocke sells Power Bracers for 10 BP each. You can buy as many as you want as long as you have the BP to do so.


What is a macho device?


The Macho Claw (Japanese: きょうせいギプス Coercive Cast) is a worn item introduced in Generation III. It doubles all effort values ​​gained by the wearer during combat. It is an unobtainable item in Generation VII.


Which item increases speed in Pokemon?


scarf of your choice


Which Pokémon give Speed ​​EVs?


For example, a fast Pokémon like Zigzachs gives 1 Speed ​​EV for each one you knock out. Its evolution, Linoone, gives 2 Speed ​​EVs. A Pokemon like Masquerain gives 1 special attack EV and 1 special defense EV. Think of them as experience points, except you get them for each of the six stats.

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