تعبير انجليزي عن حشرة النمل
موضوع عن النمل بالانجليزي
اسم النمله بالانجليزي
كلمه نمل بالانجليزي
ترجمة ant
كلمه ant
معلومات عن النمل
تعبير انجليزي عن حشرة مفيدة
موضوع عن الحشرات بالانجليزي
معلومات عن الحشرات بالانجليزي
موضوع عن النمل بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن انجليزي جاهز
كلمة ant
ترجمة و معنى نملة بالإنجليزي
أسرار عالم النمل
عجائب النمل وفوائده
موضوع عن النمل قصير
وضوع عن النمل
موضوع تعبير عن النمل للصف الرابع
تعبير عن النمل للسنة الرابعة ابتدائي
معلومات عن النمل للاطفال
حياة النمل
اين يعيش النمل
معلومات غريبه عن النمل
انواع النمل
غذاء النمل
بحث عن النمل
عن الحشرات
معلومات عن الحشرات النافعة والضارة
بحث عن الحشرات
مقدمة عن الحشرات
معلومات عن الحشرات للاطفال
معلومات عن الحشرات الضارة
موضوع تعبير عن الحشرات
بحث قصير عن الحشرات واشباهها
معلومات عن الحشرات المنزلية
The ants constitute the family of the
Formicidae and, together with the wasps and the bees, are classified in the
order of the hymenoptera, suborder of the Apocrites. These insects form
colonies, called ant-hills, sometimes extremely complex, containing from a few
tens to several million individuals. Some species form super colonies with
several hundred million individuals. Termites, sometimes called white ants for
their formal and behavioral resemblance, are of the order Dictyoptera (suborder
isoptera) but are not close relatives.
Ants' societies have a division of labor
(polythesis of age and caste), communication between individuals and an ability
to solve complex problems. These analogies with human societies have long been
a source of inspiration and the subject of scientific studies.
In 2013, more than 12,000 species have
been listed1,2 but there are probably still thousands to discover. A
cosmopolitan family (it has colonized all terrestrial regions except Greenland
and Antarctica), it reaches a high density in tropical and etotropical
environments3. Although ants represent less than one percent of insect species,
the mass of the myrmecafa4 exceeds the weight of humanity, and this mass
combined with that of termites accounts for one third of the animal biomass of
the Amazonian forest5
Relations of cooperation and predation
Aphids secrete a sweetened liquid called
honeydew, which some ants feed on. The ants keep the predators of the aphids
away and transport them to the best sites for food. Some species of aphids
feeding on the roots of plants are even received within the anthill.
• A singular behavior was observed in a
hundred passerines: forming (en) or bath of ants. The active method consists in
taking ants in their beaks, raising a wing, which they rest on the tail turned
to the side, and rapidly rubbing the ants against the internal face of the
extremities of the primary feathers, so that they impregnate with acid formic,
mixed with their own saliva, which would eliminate the many parasites
colonizing the plumage43. The passive or indirect method consists in letting
the ants climb all over their bodies, in particular by rolling in an ant-hill,
and intentionally inciting them to throw a jet of formic acid.
• Relations with caterpillars and
Lycaenidae, butterflies, are more complex, ranging from cooperation to
parasitism. Thus, like the aphids, the caterpillars duthécla of the Yeuse and
the azure of the cytises produce a honeydew which incite the ants to protect
it. The larvae of the azure of the croisette and the azure of the wetlands are
transported in the ant hills where the caterpillars pursue their development
protected by their hostesses. In contrast, several species of the genus
Phengaris are myrmecophagous. They secrete a substance that attracts ants of
the genus Myrmica and cause them to regard them as larvae. They are then taken
to the anthill where they devour larvae and nymphs45.
• Many myrmecophile plants use a
symbiotic structure, domatia, which is a nesting site for ant colonies.
Ants naturally produce, in particular to
protect their eggs and cultures, fungi, insecticides, fungicides, bactericides,
virucids and a battery of complex molecules whose functions are not all known.
They are among the pioneer species and show remarkable earth-moving,
colonization and ecological resilience, and even resistance to radioactivity
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