تلبيس الجدران تلبيس الجدران الخارجية كيفية تلبيس الجدران بالجبس تلبيس الجدران بالاسمنت باليد في  تلبيس الجدران بالقماش كيف يتم لبخ الجدران تلبيس السقف الة تلبيس الجدران أفكار لتغطية عيوب الجدران كيفية لصق ورق الحائط تلبيس فتحات الجدران البحث عن أفضل  تلييس الجدران بالانجليزي تلييس بالانجليزي عامل دهان بالانجليزي معنى كلمة دهان بالانجليزي اصباغ بالانجليزي معنى كلمة painting بالعربي نطق كلمة paint يصبغ بالانجليزي ما معنى كلمة stall تلييس بالانجليزي تلييس الجدران بالانجليزي جهاز التلييس مصطلحات البناء والمقاولات تلبيس الجدران خشب

How to choose your coating
A good preparation of your walls and ceilings for successful painting or interior and exterior decoration work
The coating is used to change the appearance of your walls and ceilings to obtain a perfectly smooth surface, ready for a wallpaper or paint finish.
There are different types of plaster:
- Prepared powder coatings or ready-to-use paste plasters
- Traditional coatings, fast-drying coatings to save time for your work and easy "MAGIC" coatings to apply.
To choose the appropriate coating for your project, we advise you to enter the conditions of your work in the selection guide.
Coat for Repacking and Repairing
Filling is used to fill holes, cracks, and cuts.
The filling coating is applied on small areas in local treatment.
The filling plaster is powder coated to fill holes and cracks of any size with no depth limit, or to paste small holes and small size fills up to 1 cm deep and practical as ready to use.
With the easy solution, you can fill holes of any size or reseal cracks easily.

Coating to smooth in thickness
The coating to smooth in thickness makes it possible to flatten the degraded surfaces and / or irregular (old plaster, glass cloth ...) up to 5 mm thick by layer.
This type of powder coating (to be prepared) or paste (ready to use) can be applied on medium or large surfaces.
There is also an easy solution to easily coat with the guarantee of the final result a fast drying solution.
Ideal for covering old plaster, canvas or relief decorative plaster.

Coating for smoothing in finish
The finish smoothing coating can hide small defects up to 1 mm thick to smooth your substrate for a neat finish before painting.
Smoothing coating is available as a powder (to be prepared) or as a paste (ready to use) and is applied on medium and large surfaces.
This type of coating also exists in:
• Fast solution for painting in 3 hours
• Easy solution to easily smooth with the guarantee of the result
• Remediation solution for purifying indoor air
Exterior plaster
Exterior coatings can be used to reseal holes or cracks, repair window sills, sit dogs, or trim your facade.
These coatings exist in powder (to be prepared) or paste (ready to use) and apply locally for filling and on medium and large surfaces for patching.

Wood filler
Wood coatings can restore all your woodwork, consolidate damaged or rotted parts, restore missing parts, fill holes or smooth before painting or stains.
Ideal for restoring wooden shutters, gates and other types of joinery.

Special kitchen and bathroom plaster
Coatings for kitchens and bathrooms are specific to resist moisture and adhere to very smooth substrates such as tiles.
This type of coating can be used to cover a bathroom tile or a credenza in a kitchen without removing it.

How to fix a crack in a wall

Very often, the walls of our house crack because of humidity, earth movements, or simply by the passage of time or for any other reason. It is convenient to repair these defects before they become larger and may pose a problem for the structure of the house. Also, if you decide to paint the walls and ceiling of your home, you will first have to clear any cracks that may have appeared. If you want to know the steps to complete this process, do not miss this article from toutComment.com on how to fix cracks in a wall.
You may also be interested in: How to fix ceiling crevices
Steps to follow:
If you want to adjust small cracks (less than 3 mm wide) the repair is quick and easy: apply a little plaster or putty on the crack, covering it completely.
Let the plaster dry, then sand it so that the surface is completely smooth.
Finally, you can start painting the repaired surface the same color as the wall or ceiling to melt it to the rest.
For cracks greater than 3 mm, the first thing to do is to enlarge the crack with scissors or a spatula to allow the product to penetrate deeply and thus avoid possible subsequent detachments.
The next step will be to clean the affected area with a brush or vacuum cleaner to remove any dust that may have fallen into the crack.
Then moisten the crack to allow the paste to adhere better.

Prepare the dough

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