موضوع انجليزي عن دكتور الاسنان باللغة الانجليزية مع طبيب اسنان
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The dentist is medically involved in the mouth, teeth, gums and jaws. It relieves, repairs and also ensures the aesthetics of the smile. It treats cavities and more serious infections of the oral cavity. He poses prostheses.
Business Description
Thanks to its know-how and equipment, that is to say a technical platform, the dental surgeon treats cavities, granulomas and other dental abscesses. It devitalizes and descales the teeth.
To establish his diagnosis, he can do X-rays. He intervenes with meticulousness to cut or restore a tooth. He poses total or partial dentures such as bridges, crowns, teeth on pivot.
Previously, he made molds of the patient's mouth in order to have prostheses prepared by the dental technician. He can perform surgical procedures on the maxilla for example. Finally, it prescribes prescription treatments.
To care for children and adults, in addition to his technical skill and dexterity, he must be attentive, tactful and psychologically minded.
If the dental surgeon specializes in orthodontics, he follows patients for a long time to straighten the teeth and adjust the jaw joint.
The dental surgeon advises the Social Security has a role of control and prevention. In all cases, to be able to practice, the dentists must hold the state diploma of doctor in dental surgery and enrolled in the national order of the dentists.
The job is physically difficult because of the working position, half standing, half sitting and arms outstretched. The attention effort is also permanent.

Job Description: Dentist

A dentist is a health professional who specializes in the management of diseases of the teeth and gums. The dentist is a doctor who follows his patients from infancy to their entire life. He heals, advises on oral hygiene and reassures.
How to become a dentist? Find here the missions, necessary training, remuneration of this profession.
Mission statement: Dentist
The dentist has medical training. His missions are multiple and change according to the age of the patient and his needs. The dentist is afraid of children and sometimes even adults. He must know how to treat each patient by reassuring him.
Role of the dentist
A dentist, just like a doctor, has to adapt to each of his patients. His roles are therefore numerous. Whether salaried or independent, he will:
• Perform dental checkups for each of his patients,
• Treat sick teeth, repair broken teeth and sometimes extract a tooth or several,
• Treat the different pathologies that affect the teeth and gums,
• Choosing and ordering the various dental devices for his patients, he must also proceed with the moldings that will help the custom-made manufacture of the equipment,
• Do prevention by descaling and counseling patients,
• Perform x-rays,
• Perform small operations such as wisdom tooth extraction, pivot placement or gum grafting,
• Respect the prevention programs created by the health authorities and more particularly the M'T Teens program which offers prevention appointments and free care for children and adolescents,
• Reassure patients,
• Prescribe treatments adapted to patients' pathologies,
• Train future dentists.
What is this job?
You are skilled in your hands and comfortable with children? Two essential qualities to become a dentist appreciated by all his patients, even the youngest. Caries, cracks, abscesses ... The dentist treats diseases that affect teeth and jaws. Specialized in orthodontics, he "rightens" the poorly implanted dentition of the youngest by means of apparatus. And restores the smile to the less young by making crowns, bridges, rings, by a dental technician.
A trained surgeon, the dentist performs certain operations that require local or regional anesthesia, such as the extraction of wisdom teeth or the placement of pivots implanted in the jawbone. Prevention and advice in oral hygiene are also part of his daily life. This job requires dexterity, thoroughness, safe gestures made with composure and great interpersonal skills. The dentist works most often in a liberal cabinet, with extended hours.

•        Dentist
Becoming a Dentist: Qualifications
The dentist looks after his patients from early childhood. Because an appointment with the dentist is often synonymous with pain, the professional must have good human qualities in order to reassure patients and explain to them the course of care.
Because it deals with basic care such as scaling as well as more important operations such as the implant of pivots, the dentist must imperatively have a lot of medical and anatomical knowledge. He must be able to read X-rays and even manage emergencies.
The dentist must be precise and master each of his tools. He works with meticulousness and must maintain a high level of concentration. The dentist must also keep abreast of new technologies and do various training to master them.
Dentist: career / possibility of evolution:
To become a dentist, there is only one training. Once a graduate, the professional can work in a structure as an employee or open his own practice.
It is difficult to evolve once a dentist. Some opt for a specialization such as orthodontics. Others devote part of their time to research or humanitarian action.

More rarely, a dentist can take over a department or a firm and hire his own employees.

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