حرية التعبير بالانجليزي موضوع عن الحرية بالانجليزي عبارات عن الحرية بالانجليزي حرية الصحافة والاعلام 
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ترجمة و معنى freedom الحق في التعبير.. بالإنجليزية! نطاق الحق في حرية التعبير

Freedom of expression is a fundamental right. Its limits are exceptions that are sometimes difficult to define and that evolve with time and use.
It is thus not a question of restricting the freedom of expression of anyone, whether teacher, non-teaching staff, school head, pupil or parent, but to recall the limits set by law.

Freedom of expression is the right for everyone to think as they wish and to express their opinions by any means they deem appropriate in the fields of politics, philosophy, religion, morality ...

Considered a fundamental freedom, freedom of expression is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN, 1948, Article 19):
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, which implies the right not to be disturbed by his or her views and to seek, receive and disseminate, without regard to borders, information and ideas. by any means of expression whatsoever. "

Freedom of expression has the corollary freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression but also respect for others.

It is often restricted by certain special conditions that prohibit incitement to racial, national or religious hatred or the call to physical violence against individuals. It is the same for defamation, slander, denial, infringement of intellectual property, infringement of professional secrecy ...
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. In the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, freedom is the first of the four human rights. After the definition of liberty and the reminder of the primacy of the law (Article 4), the refusal of arbitrary detention (Article 7), the presumption of innocence (Article 9), the affirmation of respect for opinions, particularly " religious "(Article 10), the" free communication of thoughts and opinions "appears as the first freedom (Article 11), whose limits are defined by law.
The "free communication of thoughts and opinions" is defined today by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its various adaptations in the laws of countries. It is also the subject of sociological reflections on the best way to practice it.
Source: Video. What is freedom of expression?
What is the right to freedom of expression?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) protect the right to freedom of expression in their respective Articles 19. Freedom of expression is not only important in itself but also essential to the exercise of other human rights.

FOR INDIVIDUALS. At the individual level, freedom of expression is essential to the development, dignity and fulfillment of each individual. People come to understand their environment and the world by freely exchanging ideas and information with each other. Freedom of expression enhances their ability to plan their lives and work. Individuals feel safer and more respected by the state if they are able to express what they think.
FOR THE STATES. At the national level, freedom of expression is essential to good governance and, therefore, to economic and social progress.
Freedom of expression and freedom of information help improve the quality of governance in a variety of ways:
By ensuring that honest and competent people administer the state. In a democracy, a free debate on and between political parties reveals their strengths and weaknesses. This allows voters to form an opinion about which parties are most likely to lead their country and vote accordingly. Government and opposition monitoring by the media helps to expose corruption and other irregularities and to guard against a culture of dishonesty. By promoting good governance by allowing citizens to express their concerns to the authorities. If everyone can express what they think without fear, and the media are allowed to report what is said, the government can become aware of the concerns and respond to them.


Freedom of the press is one of the main freedoms of man. It is born of the right of expression and criticism of all citizens. Freedom is based on Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The article affirms that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, which implies the right not to to be worried about his opinions and that of seeking, receiving and spreading, without frontier considerations, information and ideas by any means of expression whatsoever.

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