موضوع عن النعامة باللغة الانجليزية نطق كلمة نعامة بالانجليزي
Ostrich اسم النعامة بالانجليزي ترجمة و معنى نعامة بالإنجليزي  مـعـلـومـات عـامــة عن النعام  نعامة ostrich طائر النعام  ماذا تاكل النعامة النعام العربي بيض صفات عربية
النعام الافريقي معلومات عامة عن طائر النعامة تربية  صفات اين تعيش  النعام الافريقي انواع النعام واسعاره النعام العربي

The ostrich

Physical description
The ostrich is an animal of the Struthionid family. It is a large bird that can weigh up to 150 kg for 2.80 m in males and 90 kg for 1.90 m in females.

She stands on two long legs, ending with 2 fingers. She has short wings and her body is covered with abundant feathers. In the male, the plumage is black and white, whereas it is gray in the female. The neck, head and legs are feather-free. However, the neck and head are covered with a down.

His place of life
The ostrich inhabits the savannahs of Africa.

His diet
The ostrich is mainly herbivorous, although it can vary its diet from time to time depending on what it finds.

His reproduction
When the time comes for breeding, the male ostrich digs deep holes in the ground, these will serve as nests. All females that have been fertilized by this male will come to lay their eggs. The male and a female then incubate the eggs each in their turn. After 40 to 45 days, the ostrich leaves their eggs.

His life expectancy
The life expectancy of ostriches is around 70 years in the wild and 40 years in captivity.

The cry of the ostrich
The ostrich whines or hisses.

Particular signs
Although the ostrich is a bird, it is unable to fly and only moves while walking. However, with a speed that can go up to 100 km / h, competing with some mammals, it is the fastest of all land birds.

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