موضوع بالانجليزي عن سمك تعبير انجليزي عن whale معلومات عن القرش الحوتي موضوع انجليزي عن سمك قصير موضوع عن الاسماك بالانجليزي موضوع عن الحوت بالانجليزي الحوت الأزرق أضخم حيوان على سطح الأرض الحوت بالانجليزية تعبير عن الحوت الازرق معلومات عن الحوت الابيض بالانجليزي الحوت بالانجليزي برج نطق بالانجليزي ماذا يأكل كيف يعيش 
information about whales
نطق whale معلومات عن الحوت الازرق ترجمة و معنى حوت بالإنجليزي الحوت بالانجليزي معلومات عن الحوت الازرق باللغة الانجليزية نطق حوت بالانجليزي نطق whale ترجمة whale تعبير عن الحوت الازرق الحوت بالانجليزي برج اسم الحوت الازرق بالانجليزي معنى كلمة whale


Physical description
The whale is a marine mammal belonging to the large cetacean family, of which there are two categories: the mysticetes including the baleen whales, and the odontocetes grouping the toothed whales.

The whale is a mammal very imposing: it can measure up to 30 meters long. Its weight can go up to 150 tons. It also has a tongue that can weigh 2 tons and large teeth called baleen.

This mammal breathes with its lungs when swimming on the surface. Some whale species (such as the sperm whale) can snorkel up to 2 km deep and stay underwater for over an hour.
His place of life
The whale is a marine hope. It is therefore found mainly on the high seas and near the coast. Southern Right Whales, for example, are located in Antarctica but also in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. They live in groups and frequently migrate from one ocean to another.
His diet
This huge marine mammal feeds simply on a tiny shrimp commonly called "Krill". But the whale also eats plankton in cold waters.
His reproduction
The gestation period of a whale lasts an average of 6 months. The female can give birth to only one calf. Mating is stomach to belly, thanks to their fins that allow them to hold firmly.
His life expectancy
A whale can live from 65 to 80 years old. The animal is unfortunately endangered because of the different whale hunts practiced in the world.
His shout
The whales are famous for producing rather melodious songs. These are a means of communication for them, since they usually live in groups.
Particular signs
While other cetaceans use echolocation to hunt, whales use this method very little.

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