الشنشيلا حيوان غرب الشكل  مميزات ارانب الشنشيلا سلخ حيوان  سعر ارنب معلومات عن ارانب شانشيلا سلالات الارانب وانواعها  اكبر انواع الارانب حجما الشنشيلا حيوان محبوب لطيف غريب الشكل مثل الفأر والارنب ماذا يأكل أي يعيش اصل  ارانب الشنشيلا القوارض المتوسطة في الحجم والتي يرجع أصلها إلى جبال الأنديز في أمريكا الجنوبية شنشيلة طويلة قصيرة  الذيل ترجمة و معنى شنشيلة يعيش في جزء بسيط من دولة تشيلي
 شكله لطيف جدا ً، وأكثر ما يميزه أن مؤخرته كاملة الإستدارة .. شنشيلة شنشيلة طويلة الذيل مميزات ارانب الشنشيلا فرو حيوان السابل مميزات ارانب  قطط قارض
shirazi types
shirazi moon face
shirazi moon face
Physical description
The chinchilla is a medium-sized rodent mammal. It weighs about 500 g for 20 to 35 cm long, without the tail. It is thick and long (15 to 20 cm) and has the ability to break easily to escape any predators.
It has a gray fur, but there are also white chinchillas.
His place of life
Chinchillas are found in South America where they originate, mainly in the Andes (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina). There is a wild species that lives in areas of desert rocks, and a domestic species that is adapted to life in captivity and is often used as a pet.
His diet
Chinchillas are mainly herbivorous and vegetarian. They feed on leaves, barks and fruits or thorn bushes, although they may eat insects.
His reproduction
Chinchillas reach sexual maturity around the age of 4 months. After a gestation of 113 days on average, the chinchilla female gives birth to two young already covered with hair, with open eyes.
His life expectancy
The domestic chinchilla can live for about 20 years while the wild species lives for about ten years.
The cry of the chinchilla
To communicate the chinchillas emit a variety of sounds and small screams as well as grinding of teeth.
Particular signs

The chinchilla has the densest fur of terrestrial species (20,000 hairs per cm²). This feature has earned him to be hunted enormously because in addition the chinchilla fur is one of the most expensive. Although it enjoys protected animal status, the number of wild chinchillas continues to decline.

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