تعبير عن شيمبانزي قرد
كبير يعيش في افريقيا في الغابة معلومات عن حيوان حيوان القرد اين يعيش القرد وصف حيوان القرد الشمبانزي والانسان والقرد انواع اين تحمل انثى القرد ماذا ياكل القرد عالم القرود حياة كيف يعيش ماذا يأكل المسكن
المأكل تعبير انجليزي عن القرد البَعَام أو البَعَامَة معلومات عن القرد بالانجليزي معنى كلمة
معلومات عن القرد
بالانجليزي للاطفال انواع القرود نطق كلمة monkey تعبير عن القرد
information about
Physical description
The chimpanzee is classified in the order
of primate mammals of the family Pongidae. His coat is almost always black. But
like all mammals of this kind, the palms of his hands and his soles are bare.
The chimpanzee measures on average 1m70, for a weight that can reach 70 kg. The
female is smaller compared to the male.
His place of life
The chimpanzee is mainly found in
Equatorial Africa, and extends from Sierra Leone and Guinea to Lake Tanganyika.
His diet
An omnivorous animal, the chimpanzee eats
everything that comes to hand and swallows almost anything! But he likes mostly
insects, termites, fruits, honey, small mammals, bird eggs and he loves the
leaves (he eats about 200 kinds of leaves).
His reproduction
The female chimpanzee is viviparous, that
is to say that it allows to grow in its belly the little one who will leave it.
Females are more precocious than males because they begin to mate around the
age of 10, while males wait until they are 13 years old. The chimpanzee mother
can not have more than one litter per litter. It is therefore rare for a
chimpanzee mother to give birth to twins.
The female chimpanzee has a long ovulation
cycle (more than 35 days), she can mate almost throughout the year.
His life expectancy
A chimpanzee can live on average 45 years.
His shout
Chimpanzees communicate with each other by
all kinds of screams, using over 30 different sounds. They also contact each
other by gestures, touching and the way to ask.
Particular signs
The chimpanzee has no tail. In addition, it
is recognized by its small size and by its arms which measure nearly one and a
half times its average size.
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