تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن الطيور بالانجليزي قصير
موضوع  معلومات عن العصفور بالانجليزي انواع الطيور بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الطيور نتائج البحث ممكن تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن الطيور
تعبير عن حيوان باللغة الإنجليزية انواع الطيور بالانجليزي اسماء جميع انواع الطيور
اسماء العصافير الملونة انواع الطيور واسمائها وصورها اسماء العصافير الذكر والانثى
اسماء الطيور بالانجليزي مع الصور انواع الطيور واسمائها ومعلومات عنها
الطيور المغردة الكناري اسماء دلع للعصافير معلومات عن العصفور بالانجليزي
معنى كلمة عصفور بالانجليزي
اسم الطير بالانجليزي
بحث عن الطيور
paragraph about birds
information about birds
تعبير عن العصفور بالانجليزي
بحث عن الطيور  صفات الطيور فوائد الطيور صفات الطيور وأنواعها
موضوع تعبير عن الطيور وفوائدها
موضوع تعبير عن الطيور وما نتعلمه منها
معلومات عن الطيور بشكل عام
معلومات عامة عن الطيور
معلومات عن الطيور وانواعها
موضوع تعبير عن الطيور للصف الرابع الابتدائى
موضوع تعبير عن الطيور للصف الخامس الابتدائى
بحث عن خصائص الطيور

A bird is an animal belonging to the class of vertebrates, warm-blooded and feather-covered. The birds have wings and legs, and have a head with a beak without teeth. They are generally suitable for flying but some species, such as the ostrich, can not fly. They lay eggs to reproduce. There are about 10,000 species of birds. A bird can be domestic or wild. It is an oviparous animal. The ostrich is also the largest bird in the world and the largest egg in the world. The little bird is the fledgling.
Archeopteryx, a lost bird, is the oldest known bird. Several fossils have been found. Birds are part of a larger group, the dinosaurs, a group that includes birds and many fossil species that have disappeared. Dinosaurs such as velociraptors, or oviraptors, are the closest relatives of birds. This means that in reality the dinosaurs have not all disappeared since the birds are still dinosaurs, even if they are very transformed dinosaurs (the birds in their current form have also appeared well before the disappearance of the other dinosaurs ).

The diet depends on the environment and the species:
• Raptors feed on small animals and rodents
• grain-eating birds feed on seed sets,
• Insectivorous birds feed on insects such as worms,
• Birds wading frogs or small rodents, but the flamingo filters the water with its beak.
• Waterfowl feed on algae or particles in the mud.
• Some birds are scavengers, which means that they feed on dead animals.
• Hummingbirds or hummingbirds feed by absorbing the nectar of flowers with their long, thin beaks.
The high metabolism of birds forces them to consume large amounts of energy. Some birds such as thrushes consume 40% of their weight. Swallows consume 100%, and hummingbirds 200%. But there are many kinds of animals that eat many things.
Like food, bird habitat depends on their habitat. Some like waterfowl and waders live near the sea or desrivières. Others live in trees or their tops, like blackbirds and woodpeckers. These birds take advantage of holes in the trees to settle there. As for raptors, they live in large open spaces and mountain.
The birds are oviparous: the female lays eggs. Spawning eggs prevents birds from carrying their offspring for a long time, which would reduce their flying abilities.
During the breeding season, birds change their behavior. The males defend a territory, where there will be enough food for the couple and their chicks. They sing incessantly to attract a female and remove rival males from their territory.
This is also why they parade by highlighting their colorful plumage.
We can find several lexicalized expressions about birds. So we have:
• have sparrow brains, be silly or have little memory
• be gay like a finch, which means being very cheerful
• having a bird's appetite, which means eating little
• to be a woodcock, an expression symbolizing a girl a little silly, reflecting little
• do the parrot: repeat what someone says
• being force-fed like a goose: having eaten a lot, such as the geese that are fed to make foie gras.
• a sissy chicken: represents someone very timid
• Swallows do not make spring: this expression means going beyond appearances. It's not because we see a swallow that spring is here.
• little by little, the bird makes its nest: it means to be patient, progress little by little to get what you want
• be talkative like a magpie: means a lot of talk, like a magpie

There are still many expressions about birds, these expressions not being the same according to the cultures.

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