تعبير انجليزي عن دجاج
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معنى كلمة hen
انواع الدجاج الانجليزي
كلمة دجاج مشوي بالانجليزي
الفرق بين hen و chicken
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Presentation of the hen

In this brief introduction, the hen and all her family introduce themselves.

Summary of the page
Presentation of the hen and her family

The hen is the female cock. The young ones of the hen are called chicks.

The chicken is a chicken or rooster aged 3 to 10 months, male or female, raised for its flesh. A small male chicken is a cockerel, a female chicken a chick.

A capon is a young cock castrated around the age of 5 to 6 months. For the same food, they fatten more quickly; their flesh is softer and more succulent.

A chicken is a chick to which the ovaries have been removed. This provides the same benefits as for the capon. However, this sterilization is practiced almost nowadays.

The hen does not have sickles, lancets or lugs. She is duller. The size of the crest and barbels is smaller than that of the rooster.


The cock is recognizable thanks to:

a ridge on the top of the head
one or two barbs under the beak
the face and throat are almost all naked
a tail of 14 or 16 feathers whose 2 central feathers are in sickle
rounded wings
pointed spurs on the tarsi
a plumage with bright colors
elongated lancets
The Scream

The cock sings or cock.
The hen cackles.

The chick squeals.

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