موضوع عن النحل بالانجليزي موضوع عن العسل بالانجليزي قصير
موضوع عن النحل بالانجليزي للصف الرابع فوائد العسل بالانجليزي
موضوع انجليزي عن bees موضوع انجليزي عن قصير موضوع عن النحل وفوائده
موضوع انجليزي للصف السابع موضوع انجليزي عن النحل جاهز سهل وملخص
برزنتيشن عن النحل. موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية موضوع عن النحل والعسل bees and honey .    موضوع انجليزي سهل وقصير موضوع انجليزي للصف السابع
موضوع انجليزي للصف الرابع سهل موضوع انجليزي عن
برزنتيشن عن النحل. فقرة عن النحل معلومات عن النحل والعسل معلومات عن النحل للاطفال موضوع تعبير عن النحل معلومات عن النحل وفوائده بحث عن النحل كامل
معلومات عن حياة النحل نص معلوماتي عن النحل

Honeybees are kinds of bees foraging for flowers, which make honey for feeding during the winter, and live in colonies (hives). They can be wild or high, mainly for their honey (this is beekeeping).
Honey bees are composed of species of the genus Apis. The highest species in the world is honey bee, also known as honeybee or European bee, although it is native to West Asia, Europe and Africa.
Like ants or termites, honey bees are part of social insects (which is not the case for all bees) 1, being able to live only within a community of several thousand individuals: the colony ; and their way of life is highly evolved. Bees have been threatened with extinction for some time. For the protected ones we can: avoided the chemicals of the killed with fly swatters or other when it annoys us. The bees are very important to us because they are the ones that allow nature to reproduce like fruits and vegetables. If bees die humans are likely to die too because the diet will be less varied. So let's preserve the bees otherwise we are endangered too.
What's a bee?
The bee is part of the large family of insects and more precisely of the order Hymenoptera.
• The best-known species is Apis Mellifera, ie the honey bee.
• It can live in the wild or be raised to produce honey, it is the work of the beekeeper.
• Bees live in community within the hive, this is called a colony.
What does it look like a bee?
Big eyes to find their bearings. Bees do not see in the dark, so they do not move at night.
2 pairs of wings: To move with precision.
6 small legs: 2 equipped with a comb and a brush to form balls of pollen, which will be stored in the baskets, and brought to the hive.
A long tongue to suck the nectar.
How do we recognize it?
In bees too, there are males and females, which are a little different.
Female bees:
The Queen
- It's the biggest of the bees.
- There is only one queen per hive.
- It's the only bee that lays eggs. The queen gives birth to all the workers and all the drones of the hive.

It is very important for the hive.
In the picture you see clearly that the queen is larger than the workers.
The workers
- They are the most numerous.
- They ensure the proper functioning of the hive.
Males or False Bumblebees:
 The drone is bigger than the worker.
- They are more stocky and do not have sting, unlike females.
 Some similarities ...
You've probably noticed that there are other insects in nature that are very similar to bees like wasps, bumblebees or hornets. I will help you differentiate them.
Bee Wasp Hornet Bumblebee
- Hairy insect
- Vegetarian
- Spades to defend himself. She loses her sting during the bite and then dies. - Non-hairy insect.
- Omnivore: eat plants and meat.
- Thinner and longer than the bee.
- More aggressive.
- More painful bites.
- Can sting several times without dying. - Hairy insect.
- Bigger and stockier than the bee.
- Tasks on the body: yellow, orange, red or white.
- He can sting several times without dying. - It only stings as a last resort (to defend itself).

- His bite is particularly painful.

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