موضوع عن الحمار بالانجليزي معلومات عن الحمار ماذا ياكل  اين يعيش فصيلة دم الحمار  حمار السلالات حمار بواتو امثال عن الحمير حمار مضحك بحث عن حيوان الحمار  الحمار بالانجليزي معنى كلمة حمار وحشي بالانجليزي انت حمار بالانجليزي حمير بالانجليزي ما معنى دنكي بالبنغالي حماره بالانجليزي موضوع DONKEY ماذا يأكل الحمار معلومات عن الحمار اين يعيش الحمار فصيلة دم الحمار  امثال عن الحمير حمار السلالات حمار بواتو حمار  معلومات عن الحمار صغير انثى الحمار   


Physical description
The donkey is a mammal of the equidae family. The best known of the donkeys is the domestic donkey.
We recognize the donkey with its long pointed ears and covered with hair. Its hearing is particularly fine and above all, its ears can rotate independently to 180 °, which allows the donkey to perceive all the sounds around him.

Its coat, called "the dress", is usually gray, except on the belly. The muzzle and the eye contour are white. His hair is long and rough, and his mane is short.

The donkey has clear, large and expressive eyes, hooves at the end of its legs and has between 38 and 42 teeth. His nostrils are wide and provide good breathing. Its tail resembles that of the cow with a tuft of hair at its end.

The size of donkeys varies according to their breed, from 90 cm for small donkeys to 1m60 for donkeys of large size. There are also miniature donkeys that measure less than 70 cm. Their weight also varies from 70 kg for dwarf breeds to more than 500 kg for large breeds.

Like the horse, the donkey has three paces to move: step, trot and gallop.
His place of life
The domestic donkey comes from the wild ass of Africa and is today on all continents.
In some countries, it is used as a transport animal or for agricultural work. In developed countries, it is more of a leisure animal or pet.

The donkey is a gregarious animal that does not like loneliness. He can befriend other animals such as horses, goats or sheep.
His diet
The donkey is an herbivore that feeds on grass, flowers and hay. He can not absorb a lot of food during a meal and must eat small amounts regularly. It also drinks regularly and consumes between 10 to 15 liters of water a day.

The donkey has a rather fine taste that is associated with smell. He is wary of unknown foods and does not hesitate to spit them out if in doubt.
His reproduction
The breeding male is called a donkey and the female is called a donkey.
After one year of gestation, the donkey gives birth (it is said that she gives birth) to a single donkey. Twin donkeys are rare.
At birth, the baby weighs between 10 and 40 kg and is already recovering after about twenty minutes. He usually walks within 2 hours of being born.
His life expectancy
The donkey lives between 30 and 40 years and sometimes up to 50 years. It is a robust animal that is rarely sick.
His shout
The cry of the donkey is the braiment, the famous "hi-han". The donkey knocks to greet, because he is hungry or unhappy, or when he mates. It is also expressed by moans, grunts, sighs, or blows, and much by body language: loving rubbing and nibbling, menacing looks, lying ears, and lashing of the tail in signs of aggression.
Particular signs
The terms "beast like a donkey" or "stubborn like a donkey" are commonly used. But the donkey owes this reputation only because he is very careful. When he judges a dangerous passage and does not trust his master, he will refuse to go blindly, even if he is hit.

The donkey may mate with other animals of the equine family. If a donkey "hybridizes" with a mare, they will give birth to a "mule" or a "mule". The cub of a stallion and a donkey is a "bardot" and that of a donkey and a zebra is a "zebra".

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