تعبير باللغة الانجليزيه عن ذيب معلومات عن الذئب بالانجليزي اسم ذيب بالانجليزي
ما معنى cry wolf ذئاب بالانجليزي معلومات عن الثعلب بالانجليزي ما معنى كلمة ذئب بالانجليزي
ترجمة ذئب بالانجليزي جمع ذئب بالانجليزي موضوع عن wolf
معلومات عن الذئب العربي معلومات خطيرة عن الذئب اين يعيش الذئب صفات الذئب عند العرب معلومات عن الذئب الاسود اشرس انواع الذئاب الذيب الديب الدئب حيوان متوحش لاحم اليف يعيش في الغابة وصف الذئب ماذا يأكل كيف يعيش حياته  


Physical description
The wolf is a mammal that measures between 70 centimeters and 1m50: its size varies according to the species. His muzzle is sharp; his little eyes are bright, dark in color. Its tail measures between 30 and 50 centimeters. At adulthood, he weighs about 40 kilograms. The size of the adult wolf is smaller than that of the adult wolf.

The coat of wolves is short, usually gray, but it can also be beige or brown, sometimes accompanied by white and black.
His place of life
The wolf lives in the mountains, in the meadows and in the forests. He digs his house, called a den, near a water point. The den is only used to house the wolf and her cubs (called wolf cubs): surprisingly, the wolf never sleeps in the den.
His diet
The wolf is a predator: he eats raw meat. To feed, he hunts animals that are weaker than him. To devour them, the wolf has 42 teeth: its fangs measure 5 to 7 centimeters. It is a formidable hunter who runs very fast: his speed can reach 50 kilometers per hour.
His reproduction
Cubs are born in the spring after 60 to 70 days in their mother's womb. That's why, at the end of winter, the wolf prepares the den, covering it with hairs and dry grass. The wolf gives birth between 4 and 6 wolf cubs per litter. Cubs are born blind and deaf.
His life expectancy
The wolf can live up to 16 years. But its life expectancy varies between 10 and 16 years, depending on the breeds and living conditions in nature.
Cry of the Wolf
We usually talk about the cry of the wolf. But, like a dog, the wolf howls, yaps and growls. At night, its cry echoes in the mountains.
Particular signs

The wolf is a wild animal that flees the man. Yet, many stories describe him as a formidable enemy. Thus, legends, myths and other tales make the wolf a predator, as for example, the legend of the werewolf, the tale of Little Red Riding Hood or the story of Peter and the Wolf.

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