موضوع انجليزي عن العذاب النار جهنم
مقالة باللغة الإنجليزية تتحدث عن وصف النار وما بها من طعام وشراب

Heaven and Hell exist right now and they are eternal
Hell exists right now and will continue to exist forever. He will never die and his inhabitants will remain there forever. According to traditional Islamic belief, no one will come out of Hell except believers who, though having committed sins, will have believed in the oneness of God in this life and in the prophet whom God has sent them. The polytheists and the disbelievers will remain there forever. This is a sustained point of view since the early days of Islam, based on clear Qur'anic verses and authenticated accounts of the words of the prophet of Islam. The Qur'an speaks of Hell in the past and says that it has already been created:

"Fear Fire prepared for the disbelievers. »(Quran 3: 131)

The prophet of Islam said:

"When someone dies, his future home is exposed to him morning and evening. If he is destined to be in Hell, he will see his infernal abode in front of him. If he has the favor of being destined to Paradise, he will see his stay in his grave. It will be said to each of them: - "Look at your future residence while waiting for the Day of Resurrection. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

In another narration, he said:

"The soul of the believer is a bird that perches on the trees of Paradise until the day when Allah will reintegrate it into his body on the day of the Resurrection. »(Mouwatta Malik)

It is clear from these texts that Hell and Paradise do indeed exist and souls can enter even before the day of the Resurrection. About the eternal character of Hell, God says:

"They will want to come out of the fire, but they will not come out of it. And there will be, for them, a permanent punishment. (Quran 5:37)

"... and they will not be able to come out of the fire. (Quran 2: 167)

"Those who do not believe and commit injustice, God will never forgive or guide them on a path other than Hell, in which they will abide forever. (Quran 4: 168-169)

"God cursed the unbelievers and prepared for them a fiery brazier in which they will abide forever ..." (Quran 33:64)

"And whoever disobeys God and His messenger will have the fire of hell as eternal dwelling. »(Quran 72:23)

The guardians of Hell
Powerful and severe guardians who never disobey God stand above Hell. They execute all the orders they receive. God says:

"O you who believe! Preserve yourself and your families a fire whose fuel is made up of men and stones, guarded by hard and severe angels who never disobey God in what He commands them and who do (strictly ) all that is ordained to them. (Quran 66: 6)

As God says in the Qur'an, there are nineteen Guardians of Hell:

"I will launch it in the intense fire of Saqar. And who will tell you what Saqar is? He leaves nothing and spares nothing; it burns the skin and darkens it. They are nineteen [to watch over]. »(Quran 74:26:30)

No one should believe that the inhabitants of Hell will be able to gain the upper hand over the guardians because they will be nineteen. For each one of them is powerful enough to master all humanity alone. These angels are called the guardians of Hell by God, in the Qur'an:

"And those who are in the Fire will say to the guardians of Hell," Ask your Lord to curtail us this day our torment! (Quran 40:49)

As mentioned in the Quran, the name of the main guardian angel of Hell is Malik:

"As for the guilty, they will abide eternally in the punishment of hell, which will never be diminished to them, and where they will be doomed to despair. We did not hurt them: they rather hurt themselves. And they will shout, "O Malik! May your Lord finish us! But he will say, "You are here forever. Certainly, We have brought you the truth; but most of you hate the truth. (Quran 43: 74-78)

Abdullah Ibn 'Abbas (رضي الله عنهما) reports from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم):' I saw Paradise and wanted to take a bunch of fruit from it. If I had, you would eat it until the end of the world. I saw hell and had never discovered such a dreadful spectacle. (Al-Bukhari No. 993, and Muslim No. 1512)

Hell is below the seven lands

According to Al-Bara Ibn 'Azab (رضي الله عنه), the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said in speaking of the soul of the disbeliever:' Then it is transported to the lower heaven, and one asks permission to open but this is refused, and then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reads: "The gates of heaven will not be opened to them, and they will not enter Paradise until the camel enters the eye of the needle." (7/40), and then Allah said, 'Write his book in the [Sijjin] in the lowest land', then he said; 'His soul is thrown all the way down'. (Ahmad n ° 4/287, Abu Dawood n ° 4353, an-Nasai n ° 4/101, al-Hakim n ° 1/37, authenticated by al-albani in [Ahkam al-Janaziz] chapter 158)

Its depth

Abu Hurayrah (رضي الله عنه) said: 'We were with the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) when he heard a noise. He says, 'Do you know what that noise is?'
We said, 'Allah and his Messenger know it better than us.'

He said, 'It's a stone that's been thrown into Hell since seventy autumns. She just came to the bottom of Hell and you just heard her sound. (Upon)

It will be full

Allâh (تعالى) said: {If We wanted, We would bring each soul its guidance. But the word from Me must be realized: 'I will fill the Hell with jinn and reunited men'.} (32/13)

According to Abu Sa'id Al Khudri (رضي الله عنه), the Messenger of Allâh (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: 'There was a dispute between Heaven and Hell.

Hell says: 'I have at home tyrants and pride'.

Paradise replied: 'I have at home the weak and the miserable among humans'.

Allah then arbitrates between them saying: 'It is you, Paradise, who are My mercy and it is through you that I give it to whom I want. And you, Hell, you are My torture and it is by you that I torment who I want. I personally pledge to ensure his fullness to both of you. (Upon)

His fire is much more intense than the fire we know

Allâh (تعالى) says: {The fire of Gehenna is far more ardent} (9/81)
According to Abu Hurayrah (رضي الله عنه), the Messenger of God (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: 'Your fire that you light is only one of the seventieth parts of the fire of Gehenna'.

They asked: 'By Allâh, o Messenger of Allah, is this part not enough? '
He replied, 'He goes beyond it with sixty-nine parts all like this one'. (al-Bukhari, Muslim, Malik and At-Tirmidhi)

Its inhabitants will burn for the etherite

'Abdallah Ibn' Umar (رضي الله عنهما) reported that the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: 'When the inhabitants of Paradise go there and the inhabitants of Hell will join Gehenna, the dead will be brought back halfway between Heaven and Hell and slaughtered. Then a herald will proclaim: 'O inhabitants of Paradise, there is no more death! O inhabitants of Gehenna, there is no more death! ' The inhabitants of Paradise will add another joy to their joy and the people of Gehenna another sorrow to their affliction. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

In another version, the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: 'Allah will bring the inhabitants of Paradise to Paradise and the inhabitants of Gehenna to Gehenna. Then a herald will rise up between them saying, 'O inhabitants of Paradise, there is no more death! O inhabitants of Gehenna, there is no more death! ' Everyone will be in the state where he is for eternity. (Upon)

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