بحث تعبير موضوع عن ابن اوى بالانقلش
حيوان لاحم ابن اوى والثعلب أسود الظهر الذهبي المصري
مخطط الجانبين صوت جمع كلمة ابن اوى بالانجليزي الفرق بين ابن اوى والثعلب
الفرعوني من جنس الذئب حيوان الواوي أو
Jackal كما يسمى بالإنجليزيّة
المصري معلومات حول حيوان "ابن آوي لماذا سمي ابن اوى بهذا الاسم الفرعوني الشغبر عائلة الكلبيّات والتي تتواجد في إفريقيا
وآسيا. يتشابه دور ابن آوى البيئيّ
بدور ذئب البراري أو القيوط في أميركا الشمالية، قماماً (آكلا للجيف) ومفترساً ثانوياً،
حيث تساعده قوائمه الطويلة وأنيابه المعقوفة لصيد الطرائد الصغيرة من شاكلة الثدييات
الصغيرة، الطيور، والزواحف.
Physical description
The jackal is a common name grouping
several species of the family of canids, of the genus Canis. The golden jackal
is the best known species. It is a carnivorous mammal measuring between 70 and
85 cm. It weighs between 7 to 14 kg as an adult. His tail is not very long. It
measures on average 25 cm.
The jackal is recognizable by its
fawn-colored fur dotted with gray. By its appearance, it looks more like the
fox, but in reality it has the same characteristics as the wolf.
When hunting, the jackal can run at a speed
of 40 to 55 km / h.
His place of life
We meet the jackal especially in Africa and
Asia. However, some species such as golden jackal can also live in southeastern
Europe as in Hungary or even Switzerland. This animal likes the plains, the
deserts and the meadows.
His diet
The jackal is a carnivorous mammal. It
feeds mainly on small prey such as frogs, birds, rodents, small mammals and
insects. It can also become a scavenger when the hunger is felt, in other words
it feeds on the remains of dead animals that it did not kill. As an
opportunistic animal, he can even eat fruits and leaves.
It is said that the jackal is an excellent
hunter. It combines the speed of the dog with the agility of the fox. He often
hunts alone, but can also be in small groups from time to time.
The jackal can survive for several days
without drinking or eating.
His reproduction
The period of jackals' love varies by
region. Jackal female calves 4 to 6 pups per litter after a 2-month gestation.
Both parents take care of the little ones together. These are born blind. They
suckle their mother for 1 to 5 months, and become adults at the age of 11
His life expectancy
The jackal generally lives between 10 and
16 years in captivity.
The jackal cry
Oral communication holds an important place
in the life of a jackal. Cries may be different from one species to another. It
is said that the jackal squeaks, screams, yaps, sniffs, and even barks. The cry
of the striped jackal is quieter than all the rest. It emits barking and
yelping less acute.
Particular signs
With the exception of a few species,
notably the Simian jackal, the jackal is not an endangered species. He can
therefore be hunted.
The jackal has an ecological role to play.
It helps to get rid of carcasses and carcasses of dead animals in the wild.
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