معلومات عن حيوان الجمل ماذا يعيش كيف يأكل  سفينةُ الصحراء هو من الثديّات التي تعيش في الصحراء  فصيلة الجمليات. يشتهر بالكتلة الدهنية على ظهره التي تسمى السنام، ويسمى شعر الجمل بالوبر. الجمال (أو الإبل أو النوق معلومات وحقائق عن الجمل
حيوان من رتبة شفعيات الأصابع، بحث كامل عن الابل - عن الابل ,حياة الابل معلومات عن الجمل  بحث  للاطفال معلومات عن الجمل سفينة الصحراء تعبير  مميزات  صفات  ماذا يأكل الجمل كيف يعيش  camels موضوع عن الجمل بالانجليزي خاتمة باللغة الانجليزية عن موضوع Animal Kingdom تعبير كتابي عن الجمل الترحال  
camels موضوع عن الجمل بالانجليزي ترجمة و معنى الجمل بالإنجليزي في قاموس المعاني معلومات مختصرة عن الجمل موضوع عن الارنب بالانجليزي قصير
paragraph about camel معلومات مختصرة عن الجمل تعبير قصير عن الجمل

Physical description
The camel is a mammal of the family Camelidae. The camelus bactrianus is the most represented camel species. The animal is distinguished by the presence of two bumps on his back. He measures more than 2 meters to his hump and 1.85 meters to the shoulder. The male weighs on average 800 kg while the female does not exceed 600 kg.

The camel and camel are often confused, while camels have a single hump. Smaller and less muscular, camels run at the maximum speed of 20 km / h and are therefore slower than camels.

The camel also has great adaptability in a hostile environment. On the other hand, when he is thirsty, he can drink more than 132 liters in 10 minutes, whatever the temperature.
His place of life
Camels usually come from Central Asia. More precisely, one often finds the animal in the desert of Gobi.
His diet
The camel is a little selective animal to eat. That said, this mammal has a preference for the vegetation he finds in his way: plants, bushes, shrubs ... He particularly likes salty plants. Some of them also eat the fish given to them by the fishermen.
Robust, the camel can stay several days without drinking or without eating.
His reproduction
In rutting, camels produce a huge amount of saliva. Males become aggressive during this period. They crouch down to mate. The gestation period of camels lasts between 12 to 14 months. The female can give birth to only one chameleon every 2 years.
His life expectancy
The animal lives relatively long enough because its life expectancy is between 60 and 70 years.
His shout
The camel utters a cry that strongly resembles a blather: it is said that it blatters.
Particular signs
It is an animal capable of recycling urea, that is to say a residue usually accompanying the urine.
In addition to the camel, the camel is one of the only mammals to have oval red blood cells.

Very enduring, he can travel 60km per day.

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