بحث عن حقوق الجار باللغة الانجليزية تعبير عن الجيران برجراف عن neighborhood
تعبير عن الحي بالانجليزي تعبير عن وصف الجار صفات الجار الجيد كلمة جار بالانجليزي
my neighborhood paragraph
الإحسان إلى الجار  برجراف عن neighborhood تعبير عن جيراني بالانجليزي موضوع عن الجار موضوع قصير عن حقوق الجار
my neighborhood paragraph
writing essay about a neighborhood
my neighborhood تعبير
my neighborhood presentation
تعبير عن الحي الذي اعيش فيه
presentation about neighborhood
about my neighborhood
برجراف عن neighborhood تعبير عن الحي الذي اسكن فيه برجراف انجليزي عن الجيران تعبير عن الجيران بالانجليزي قصير الحي السكني بالانجليزي
تعبير وصف الحي تعبير عن الشارع الذي اعيش فيه بالانجليزي
describe your neighborhood paragraph
my neighborhood paragraph

How to live better with your neighbors?
Respect public places
Street sweeping
In roads where sweeping is not provided by the municipality, the riparian owners are required to sweep or sweep in front of its facade on a width equal to that of the sidewalk.
Abandon waste
It is forbidden to abandon, deposit or dispose of rubbish on all or part of the public road, benches, sidewalks.
To throw a paper on the ground, to empty the ashtray of his car in the gutter or to leave waste on a public bench is rigorously forbidden.

Impossible to escape from near or far to its neighbors! In house, condo, city or country, they are there, ready to become the best friends of the world or on the contrary the sworn enemies. So, here's how to have good daily relations with those who live near you!
Why not cultivate our social role?
No need to get angry at the slightest sound, the first barbecue smoke or the first dog yelp, we are all neighbors! When we live together, it is impossible to prevent the few inconveniences of everyday life, we must show tolerance. Also, it is necessary to be courteous and to create links. Saying hello, talking about the weather outside or asking for health news can lead to better living with your neighbors. Finally, the good idea is to observe the rules of the co-ownership if it exists.

Manage noises
One of the best ways to limit noise is to avoid doing it yourself. However, there are some rules to respect especially in apartment not to disturb your neighbors: avoid shouts of voice, the wearing of shoes with heels, the door slam or moving furniture. Avoid excessive TV and stereo volume and isolate a room when playing an instrument. You should not do nocturnal parties too often and do not leave your dog alone at home if he barks. Finally, do not mow the lawn or tinker at undue hours. The best solution is dialogue, but if your neighbor keeps making noise, give him a letter to get a proof. If nothing is done, take legal action.

Keep your distance
Certainly, having good relations with your neighbor can be as useful as pleasant, only, you never know who you fall on! The solution is to put a certain distance between you and your first meeting, because nothing says that you will not cross the neighbor "invader" that once home will no longer take off. Moreover, in a house or condo, there is nothing worse than a neighbor took by the solitude that rings at home at any time of the day or night. Be forward-thinking and polite and wait a bit for time to evolve your relationship.

Master the smells
Olfactory nuisance comes from everywhere: cooking, garbage, barbecue smoke or animals ... and it's true, there are good and bad smells! If it's easy to accept that the smell of the neighbor's cake comes home, it is not necessarily very pleasant to suffer that of sardines or cigarette smoke. The best solution is to start with tact and knock on your neighbor's house. Often, a small friendly discussion will settle many conflicts. If that's not enough and you're in an apartment; appeal to the condominium trustee and as a last resort go to court.

Consider the right of way and establish a fence
In order to avoid any dispute with its neighbors, it is advisable in terms of fence building to respect the constraints imposed before building and to prevent its neighbors. For the planting of trees or shrubs, there are legal distances to be observed at planting and regular maintenance to be carried out. Regarding the right of way or other easements, the best solution is to learn before acquiring property and to respect the established rules. If nothing exists; choose to do an amicable demarcation by a surveyor. In case of dispute with your neighbor, do not hesitate to talk to him about it, and bring him the legal elements proving your good faith. If an amicable attempt has no effect, initiate a legal proceeding.
Manage common areas

If you are in an apartment, you have common areas with your neighbors: landing, stairs, entrances, balconies, bike room ... it should be left clean and avoid cluttering with personal effects. Of course, you should not block the elevator unless you move and do not encroach on your neighbor's parking space. Regarding balconies or terraces; it is customary not to shake carpets or brooms, not to throw away papers, butts or food. Generally, there are co-ownership rules that define the rights and duties of each occupant. Again, if your neighbors are overflowing, the best solution is to go find them and explain them nicely. If that is not enough, appeal to the union and as a last resort to justice.

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