تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز عن
تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز  برجراف عن مكان مشهور
برجراف عن الثقافة في مصر بالانجليزي السينما الموسيقى الادب 
موضوع عن الثقافة بالانجليزي
الثقافة المصرية بالانجليزي
موضوع عن اختلاف الثقافات
موضوع عن عادات وتقاليد مصر ارض الفراعنة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الفن باللغة الانجليزية
برزنتيشن عن العادات والتقاليد بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اللبس بالانجليزي

موضوع تعبير عن الثقافة واهميتها

Culture Egypt


At the base of the concept lies the idea that it is possible to write the name of an object, a being, using the image itself representing it. So we draw the plan of a house to mean "house", a human head to write "head". To represent an action like "walk", we represent a man walking or moving legs.
One immediately sees the limits of such a system: what does not have a visible form can not be rendered by writing. How to transcribe the verb "to love"? Then, the Egyptians invent the rebus. The scribe breaks down the word in this case, and draws a "hedge" and then a "maie". The sign-image becomes a sound-sign.

Hieroglyphs are read from left to right and from top to bottom, unless the eyes of the animals represented are pointing to the right: in this case, they decipher from right to left.

We know that the deciphering of hieroglyphs is due to the meeting of Champollion and a stone: the Rosetta stone.


Ubiquitous in the street, houses, shops ... Sounds mix in a joyous hubbub, between the great names of Arabic music (Oum Kalsoum, Abdel Halim Hafez, Abdel Wahab ...) and the variety of which all young people are crazy. It is difficult to navigate.
Classics alone are synonymous with Arabic music. For years, they have been on the airwaves, performing most of the movies of the day and performing with unprecedented success throughout the Arab world and sometimes even in Europe.

Among them are Oum Kalsoum, the great lady of the Arabic song, Mohammed Abdel Wahab, the singer of all generations, Farid el-Atrache, often compared to Tino Rossi, Abdel Halim Hafez, the favorite of all the singers, Les Musicians from the Nile and Ali Hassan Kuban, who defends the colors of Nubian music.

- Much less known in the city, traditional music is often the most interesting. Nubian music with African accents, saïdie music from the banks of the Nile, percussions in the oases ... It is appreciated on the spot, during your journeys.


Before the expansion of the satellite, the cinema was the output par excellence of the Egyptians. In front of the cinemas of Cairo, the tails had neither beginning nor end ... One jostled happily. The room was full, sometimes smoky, always excited. We "lived" her film, everyone was the hero, each was the beautiful princess with black eyes.
But the modernization of cinemas has transformed the atmosphere that reigned there. Only in popular cinemas does the hall participate. Elsewhere, everyone is pressed into his chair with his popcorn and mobile phone that rings every 5 minutes.

But going to see an Egyptian film in Arabic (usually not subtitled) remains an experience to make you know the tastes of a good-natured oriental public.

Youssef Chahine

The most famous Egyptian filmmakers. This Alexandrian is revealed to the public with Heaven of Hell (1954), which describes the clash between peasants and landowners and in which plays the famous Omar el-Sherif (Omar Sharif).
Chahine imposes a different tone, an exploded vision of reality. Among his most famous films, Central Station (1958), in which he plays the main character. In The Sixth Day (1986), he staged a Dalida, austere, veiled in black. One of his latest films, Destiny (1997), is a courageous anthem to tolerance, through the story of the Arab philosopher Averroes.
Released at the beginning of 2008, Le Chaos, his latest film, features a police officer as dubious as authoritarian, a real shadow hovering over Shoubra neighborhood, but whose heart ignites for a young woman who has nothing to do of his love. Chahine did not mince words to portray the evils of a corrupt Egypt.


In the 1980s, a new cinematographic style appeared with Mohammed Khan and his Bird on the Road (1981), Atef el-Tayeb, The Innocent (1986), and the film of the director Inas el-Deghidi, O Law, excuse me (1985).
Cinema tends to portray Egyptian society with its lot of problems and violence. We denounce the triumph of vulgarity and the cult of money. Terrorism, gender relations, youth problems (unemployment ...) and corruption become common themes.

Despite a cinema crisis, investments have been revived and many rooms modernized. Real complexes open in Cairo and Alexandria. Although hoped, the recovery can not begin, because Egypt, which was still the third largest producer of films in the 1970s, produces more than fifteen feature films per year.

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