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What are the different types of software?
In Software Leave a comment
In a computer device, there are two distinct parts, including the physical part which is symbolized by the PC and its peripherals, and the intangible part symbolized by the software. The software is an application for meeting needs and solving problems such as word processing, game, drawing program, etc. These are instructions written in an expression that only the computer can interpret. There are three main types of software, including free software, paid software, and free software. Each software requires an operating system to be used.
Paid software or proprietary software
These programs are created by private companies and are sold to users in specialized stores or on the Internet or when purchasing a PC. However, it should be noted that the purchase of a paid software only grants the right of use to the user and not the right of exploitation. It is therefore not possible for a user to resell proprietary software that is by default on his computer when he purchased it. Nor does he have the right to transform the software for his needs, regardless of his computer skills. Only the cartel that holds the property license has this power. The operating system "Windows" is for example a paid software.
Free software
log-free Free software is created by specialized firms. They are given free of charge to the users who need it. These types of software can be downloaded for free from the internet and can also be found in magazines or newsstands as a CD-Rom. Users have the right to copy and circulate them. However, their source code is not transformable, which means that the software can only be used if the designer wants it. Note that this type of software is generally more efficient since the associations that produce them are intended to make themselves known to users.
Free software

open-source software As the name implies, free software can be used and exploited by users. That is, their source code is open to all and may be changed legally. These programs are often free and can be downloaded from the Internet. It is therefore possible to make copies.

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