معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير   حيوان ألبكة الالباكا Lama Pacos
تشبه اللاما الصغيرة في المظهر حيوان ثدييى ذو حافر مدجن شبه مستأنس من فصيلة الجمليات يعيش في أعالى جبال الانديز بأمريكا الجنوبية ويشبه الخروف طويل حيوان الألبكه و حيوان اللاما و لكن ألبكة هي أصغر بكثير من اللاما  حيوان ألبكة الالباكا حيوانات اللاما الغوناق الفكونة الميق طير البكه هجين

Physical description
Alpaca is a mammal of the family Camelidae. It is just a little bigger than a sheep and weighs between 50 and 80 kg, for a size ranging from 75 cm to 1 m high. His head is short, his ears are pointed and his mouth is forked and split.
There are up to 22 different natural colors of wool and the appearance of its coat varies depending on the type of alpaca. The huacayo type has a medium-long, curly hair, while the suri type has a long, stiff hair.

His place of life
In the wild, we find the alpaca in South America, all along the Andes Cordillera, in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. However, it is now bred in several other countries such as England, Switzerland, Australia, the United States and Canada.

His diet
Alpaca feeds mainly on grass and hay.

His reproduction
The female alpaca reaches maturity at 6 months, while the male becomes adult between 2 years and a half and 3 years. After mating, the female carries her baby for 11 months before giving birth. It weighs about 7 kg and is already covered with a few inches of fleece. He is already able to run and will be breastfed for about 6 months.

His life expectancy
The alpaca can live on average 25 years.

The cry of the alpaca
Alpaca grinds.

Particular signs
Alpaca wool is internationally recognized as a top quality fiber. Indeed, it is warmer, stronger and softer than sheep's wool.

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