معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  بحث عن التماسيح  من أضخم الزواحف الحية. ينتمي إلى فصيلة التمساحيات، له جسم طويل وأرجل قصيرة وذنب طويل قوي يمكنه من السباحة
التمساح باللغة الانجليزية  لفظ كلمة تمساح ترجمه نطق كلمة صغير اسم التمساح
معنى كلمة alligator معنى lacoste معلومات عن  التماسيح من أضخم الحيوانات البرمائيّة الفقاريّة، وتشبه في شكلها حيوان الضب البريّ، وتنتمي إلى الزواحف، وهي من الحيوانات رباعيّة الأرجل انشاء  شو اسم التمساح بالانجليزي نبده تمساح بالانجليزي للاطفال معنى lacoste لاكوست ماركة لاكوست  مصر رينيه لاكوست
معنى كلمة alligator
نطق كلمة alligator
لفظ كلمة تمساح بالانجليزي
ما الفرق بين crocodile و alligator
معنى crocodile
الفرق بين alligator و crocodile
نطق كلمة تمساح بالانجليزي
معنى كلمة lacoste
alligator نطق

Physical description
The crocodile is a reptile with a big mouth and powerful jaws. It is a formidable animal that can reach more than 7 meters in length. His body is shorter than his tail. Each of its 4 legs has 4 fingers, and those of its hind legs are joined by a membrane facilitating swimming (like those of ducks). His body is covered with horny scales on his back.
His place of life
Crocodiles live in swamps and streams of different intertropical regions. They can swim well. But they can also walk on land and run very fast (but only at a short distance).

Crocodiles can be found all over the world, depending on the species: in sub-Saharan Africa, Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, Florida), South America (Colombia, Venezuela), the Caribbean, Cuba, India, Iran, Pakistan, Philippines, Northern Australia, South Asia ...
His diet
The crocodile is a carnivore. It feeds on various animals such as fish, birds, snakes ... It can also attack large mammals that come to drink at the edge of rivers such as zebus, zebra, giraffe ... To kill its prey, he drowns them and then swallows his victims without chewing them.
His reproduction
The crocodile is classified as oviparous. He must lay eggs to give birth to small crocodiles (sometimes called crocodilous). The female lays her eggs in a hole that she digs in the sand. It lays on average 20 to 30 eggs, and sometimes even up to 90 eggs.
His life expectancy
The crocodile can live for many years, from 70 to 100 years. During its lifetime, it can give birth to several crocodilous.
His shout
Crocodiles communicate with each other by sound signals. Mistakenly considered as dumb, the crocodile makes contact with its neighbors by various noises.
Particular signs
Crocodiles hunt on the lookout and are very fast over short distances, even out of the water. Their average speed of movement is 3 km / h but it can reach 18 km / h during an attack.
They have very strong jaws and sharp teeth adapted to the cutting of the meat. Large crocodile species are very dangerous for humans.
Crocodiles can stay long periods without eating.

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