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مدغشقر بالانجليزي
madagascar 4
madagascar 3
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madagascar flag
madagascar airport code
madagascar currency
أنتاناناريفو مدغشقر
ترجمة و معنى مدغشقر بالإنجليزي

If there was only one reason to visit Madagascar, the "Big Island" would be because we can see lemurs, rare primates and many species are threatened with extinction. But there is more: Madagascar offers trekking opportunities in the heart of some of the most beautiful landscapes of Africa, or green tourism, or relaxation in seaside paradises as are the island of Nosy Be and the bay of Diégo Suarez.

ID card
- Capital: Tananarive.
- Currency: the Malagasy franc.
- Feast: June 26th.
- Time difference: one hour more compared to France in summer, two hours more in winter.
- Official language: Malagasy and French.
- Main cities: Toamasina, Majunga, Fianarantsoa, ​​Antsirabe, Toleara, Diégo Suarez.
- Religion: animists 52%; Christians 41%; Muslims 7%.

- Number of inhabitants: 19 500 000 inhabitants

The climate of Madagascar is tropical and includes two seasons, a dry season from March to October and a rainy season from November to March. The eastern coast experiences heavy rainfall most of the year, while the western coast is very sunny. The Central Plateau region has cooler temperatures and abundant rains from November to March.

Madagascar is also affected by cyclones from mid-December to mid-April.

Madagascar is a large island, of a size comparable to that of France. It is separated from the African continent by the Mozambique Channel. High plateaus and some volcanoes overlook the thin plain along the eastern coast, with a hot and humid climate. In the west, the savannah dominates, covering trays and hills of low altitude, under a drier climate.

587,040 km²

Mount Maromokotro, 2,876 m

4,828 km

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