بحث موضوع تعبير عن ابن عرس الحيوان المفترس العرسة مصاصة الدماء
معلومات عن حيوان ابن عرس ابن عرس صغير مقرض طويل الذيل أسود الأقدام
يفترس ارنب العرسيات معلومات عن حيوان ابن عرس ينتمي هذه الحيوانات للثدييات المفترسة صغيرة الحجم فراء الأحمر البني على ظهره، و فراء أبيض اللون على بطنه،

يأكل الدواجن والأرانب و الفئران و الجرذان  و غيرها. ينتمي غرير العسل إلى فصيلة ابن عرس، أنواع ابن العرس  أمازوني  •  جبلي  •  قصير الذيل السهوب   كولومبي  طويل الذيل  ياباني  • أصفر البطن   منك أوروبي  إندونيسي   أسود الأقدام  صغير  ماليزي  أوروبي سيبيري  مخطط الظهر   مصري  عربي مغربي 


Physical description
The weasel is a small carnivorous mammal of the mustelid family. It is one of the smallest carnivores in Europe, with a size a little larger than that of a mouse. It measures between 13 and 25 cm, the males being generally larger than the females. The weight of the weasel varies between 30 and 70g.

The weasel has a slender body and short legs. Its coat varies from reddish brown to gray brown on the top, with a white coat below. Unlike the ermine with which it is often confused, the weasel has a short tail devoid of a black brush at the end.

The weasel often stands on its hind legs to have a better visibility on what is happening around it. Thanks to the shape of her body and her small size, she can slip into a hole no bigger than a 2 € coin.

His place of life
The weasel can live wherever there is food and shelter for it: mountain, forest, fields and gardens, meadow, desert, edge, scrubby areas, town or village, etc. It is found in Europe, Japan, Afghanistan, the Maghreb, North America, North Africa, the Atlantic Islands and the Mediterranean.
The weasel lays its den under a burrow often stuffed with leaves or hairs of its prey. It can also take refuge in the hole of a wall or in the roots of a tree.

His diet
The weasel feeds mainly on small rodents such as the vole, the mole or the mouse. Its diet can also consist of eggs, birds, insects, reptiles and rabbits. She kills her prey by biting them with her sharp teeth and her jaws. The weasel must go hunting every day to survive. She must consume a third of her weight daily.

His reproduction
The weasel becomes sexually mature at the age of 3 to 4 months. Mating takes place during spring and summer. Gestation lasts 34 to 37 days. A female can give birth to 4 to 9 pups per litter, at a rate of 1 to 2 litters a year. The small weigh between 1 to 3 grams at birth. They are breastfed for 3 to 6 weeks. They open their eyes from the fourth week.

His life expectancy
The weasel has an average life expectancy of 3 years. However, she can live up to 8 years if the living conditions are favorable.

His shout
The weasel has no specific cry. However in case of danger, it emits a sort of short barking, sharp trills and hisses.

Particular signs
The weasel is an animal at the same time diurnal, nocturnal and twilight. She is lonely and only very rarely becomes a family group.

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