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Pets and pets

Domestic animals are small or large animals that are kept at home as pets. Whether it's a cat, a dog, a bird or even rodents, they become almost family members. Farm animals are also considered domestic, such as horses, beef and even chickens.

Pets can have a useful function like the watchdog or the cat that hunts rodents, but they can be only for their singing, like birds or just for fun.
Pets often have a positive effect on people, we watch them act with amusement and curiosity. Cats and dogs are emotional and like to be flattered and play, they are like children for many.

Rodents, turtles and lizards are often used as pets, especially because of the interest children have in them. Some live in an aquarium or pond like turtles because they need to swim and swim.

The fish are not really useful but they offer shapes and colors of all kinds, and this is often the reason for their use as an animal that is kept at home. They are not noisy and often require little maintenance.

Domestic birds are very popular for their songs and colors, such as chaffinch, parakeet ... Some are very noisy like the cockatiel or some parrots who cry or hiss and can become unpleasant.

Insects are rarely used as a pet. Some like big spiders like tarantula and will keep one in an aquarium, but it is rather rare. Some insects are raised in the aquarium to serve as food for another domestic animal that only eats live prey for its food.

Your pet must have a good diet to be healthy and glass as long as possible. Food products are available and are made specifically for your pet. From food to hamster, treats for your cat and other foods made specifically for this one will usually be better than table food for his health.

Many animals can be small and accustomed to domestic life. Some have already had a skunk as a pet, operated of course. This is an example that the majority of wild animals can be tamed to become a pet. Naturally some wild animals can not be domesticated because of their wild instinct.

Name of the animal Male - Female - Baby
Donkey donkey - donkey - donkey
Cat Chat - Chatton
Horse Horse - Mare - Foal
Goat Goat - Goat - Goat
Dog Dog - Puppy
Pig Verrat - Sow - Piglet
Cock Cock - Hen - Chick
Turkey Turkey - Turkey - Turkey turkey
Rabbit Rabbit - Rabbit - Rabbit
Sheep Sheep - Ewe - Lamb
Mulet Mule - Mulet
Rooster - Chicken - Chick

Cow Bull - Cow - Cowhide

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